Page 29 - Jewish News_March-2020
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ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                               March 2020                                      29A

        ISRAEL21c...continued from previous page
        in  2019  raked  in  50% of  all  funding   Israeli  startups in  the  digital  health   and football fan Abramovich received   woman),  and  Teddy  Sagi,  founder  of
        raised.                               space raised 32% more in 2019 than    Israeli citizenship in May 2019, but   the gambling software company Play-
            Over the course of the last decade,   the year before. That amounts to $662   Forbes still lists him as Russian.  tech and owner of London’s Camden
        128 megadeals of more than $50 mil-   million  across  69  deals,  according  to   Shipping magnate  Eyal  Ofer   Market, is worth $3.1 billion.

        lion each were concluded, totaling    Start-Up Nation Central.              topped  Forbes’  official  list  of  richest   Brian Blum has been a journalist and

        $12 billion.                              Israel is in a good position to capi-  Israelis, with $9.4 billion. His brother,   high-tech  entrepreneur  for  over  20
        Tourism                               talize on digital health innovation: All   Idan Ofer, who prior to his failed in-  years. He combines this expertise for
        It wasn’t just technology records that   Israeli citizens are required to join one   vestment in Israeli electric car company   ISRAEL21c as he writes about hot new
        were broken in 2019. Israel welcomed   of the country’s four HMOs, and Israel   Better Place held the title of wealthiest   local  startups,  pharmaceutical  ad-
        4.55 million tourists – its largest num-  has long  been  a  pioneer  in  digitizing   Israeli, is now in fourth place with $4.7   vances,  scientifi c  discoveries,  culture,
        ber yet. The 2019 figure was 11% high-  patient records – almost 98% of them   billion.                           the  arts  and  daily  life  in  Israel.  He

        er than in 2018.                      are now online.                          Industrialist  Stef  Wertheimer  is  loves hiking the country with his fam-
            Tourism is a huge source of rev-      Moreover, in 2018, the Israeli gov-  worth $5.7 billion, according to Forbes,   ily (and blogging about it). Originally
        enue for the  country, injecting ap-  ernment  launched  a  five-year  $264   businesswoman Shari  Arison  has $5   from California, he lives in Jerusalem

        proximately 23 billion shekels into the   million plan to provide startups access   billion  (she’s also Israel’s wealthiest   with his wife and three children.
        economy, the Tourism Ministry said.   to the HMOs’ databases.
            Tourism has jumped since the Eu-      Some 580 digital health companies
        ropean “Open Skies  Agreement”  has   were operating in Israel in 2019, double
        made it much more competitive  for    the number at the beginning of the de-

        budget  airlines  to  fly  into  and  out  of   cade. Twenty-six percent are in the dig-
        Israel.                               ital therapeutics sector, 20% in remote
            Most of the travelers  to Israel in   monitoring,  17% in decision-making,   Join us in our campus re-imagination...
        2019 came from the U.S. (890,000 vis-  15% in clinical workflow, 12% in diag-

        itors),  followed  by  France  (338,200),   nostics, 6% in patient engagement and
        Russia (296,000), Germany (268,900)   5% in assistive technology. Of those
                                                                                                                 FOR HUMAN
                                                                                                                                  ISTIC JUDAISM

        and Britain (218,700).                companies, 40% claim to use artificial      CONGREGATION FOR HUMANISTIC JUDAISM
            Another 144,000 visitors came     intelligence in their software.

        from China – a 51% increase compared   Israel were relatively small – an aver- PassoverPassover  Celebration
                                                  Most digital health investments in
                                                                                                     Join us as we reimagine our 32 acre campus.
        with  2018.  Italy,  Poland  and  Ukraine                                                         We are JFED Proud & Strong!
        were popular  sources for tourism to   age of $7 million. However, five com-         THE LARRY AND MAR Y G REENSPON FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIF E

                                                                                             KLINGENSTEIN JEWISH CENT ER  |  5 80 MCINTOSH RD, SARASOTA FL 34232  | 941-371-4546  |
        Israel in 2019, as well.              panies raised over $30 million in a          Join us as we celebrate Passover with a warm,
            While the major cities remain the   single round: ($60 million),            wonderful, humanistic Haggadah
        most  popular  for  tourists,  Tiberias ($50 million), EarlySense ($39
                                                                                                                                9 9

                                                                                                                                  , 6:00
        along the Sea of Galilee  saw a jump   million), Theranica ($35 million) and          THURSDAY, APRIL  , 6:00 PM
        of 18% in the number of hotel nights   DayTwo ($31 million).                                         Contact us to learn more.
                                                                                              Michael’s On East • 1212 East Avenue, Sarasota
        booked in 2019 over the previous year.    Start-Up  Nation  Central  reports        Howard Tevlowitz  Kim Mullins  Ilene Fox   Rich Bergman
                                                                                                                                       Major Gifts
        Tel Aviv hotel nights booked were up   that there are more than 6,400 startups       941.343.2110  941.552.6300  941.343.2111  941.552.6306
                                                                                                                Members – $75
        9% and Jerusalem rose by 8%.          operating in Israel today, as well as 362
            Overall, inbound and outbound     multinational corporations in the coun-                         Non-members – $80
                                                                                                            Children under 12 – $30

        passenger traffic at Ben-Gurion Inter-  try.                                                        Children under 12 – $30
        national Airport has more than doubled   The richest Israelis                                   Reservation deadline: March 30
                                                                                                        Reservation deadline: March 30
                                                                                                        Reservation deadline: March 30
        in  the  last  decade.  And the  Ilan  and   While we’re not sure this is an indica-
        Asaf Ramon  Airport  north  of Eilat,   tor of economic prowess, the number                  WW    W  . CHJ - SARASOT     A . ORG
        opened in January 2019, has already   of Israelis ranked on the Forbes 2019
                                                                                                            or call 941.929.7771
        seen one million people arrive through   World Billionaires list increased from                     or call
                                                                                        ongregation for Humanistic Judaism wishes a Happy Passover to all!
        its gates.                            18 in 2018 to 21 in 2019.                 Congregation for Humanistic Judaism wishes a Happy Passover to all!
        Digital health                            Technically  speaking,  Roman
        When you’re traveling, you want to    Abramovich is Israel’s wealthiest man,
 continued on next page  stay healthy. So, it’s good news that   with a fortune of $12.4 billion. Investor

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                                 Get to know Israel and her people! Visit
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