Page 32 - Jewish News_March-2020
P. 32

32A                             March 2020                                         ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD

               BRIEFS                         Center survey.                        ISRAELI DELEGATIONS                   ISRAEL ELECTRIC
                                                  When asked to describe the Holo-
                                                                                    HAVE BEEN QUIETLY
                                                                                                                          TO HELP SAFEGUARD
                                              caust, 84% mentioned the attempted
                                              annihilation  of the  Jewish people  or   VISITING SAUDI ARABIA             TOKYO OLYMPICS
        continued from previous page          concentration-death  camps, Hitler  or   Saudi Minister of State Adel al-Jubeir   FROM CYBERATTACK
        does not require line-of-sight.       the Nazis. 63% knew about Nazi-cre-   insists that “we have no ties of any kind   The Israel Electric Corporation (IEC)
            The  company  has been  working   ated ghettos where Jews were forced to   with Israel.”                      has signed an agreement with a lead-
        for the past two years with the U.S.   live.                                   The truth is that Israeli delegations   ing energy utility in Japan to help it se-
        Department of Defense to co-develop       43% knew that  Adolf Hitler be-   have been quietly visiting Saudi Arabia   cure infrastructure against cyberattacks
        the system’s capabilities.            came  chancellor  of Germany  through   for the past two years.             during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, IEC
            During 2019, EnforceAir was suc-  a  democratic  political  process. (Pew   Some were accompanied by senior   chairman  Yiftah Ron-Tal said at the
        cessfully  deployed  by more  than  20   Research Center)                   members  of the  security  community,   Cybertech 2020 conference in Tel Aviv.
        U.S.  agencies including U.S.  Special                                      some by businessmen.                     IEC has similar cooperation agree-
        Operations  Forces, U.S.  Army, FBI,   500 COLLEGE STUDENTS                    Most – although not  all  – hold   ments with an electricity  producer in
        Customs and Border Patrol, and the    COME TO ISRAEL FOR                    passports from other countries, but it   Canada and a European utility.
        U.S.  Marshal Service. (Anna  Ahron-  “CHRISTIAN BIRTHRIGHT”                is clear to their Saudi hosts who they   IEC was subject to an average
        heim, Jerusalem Post)                 Passages, a “Christian version of Birth-  really are and where they really came   11,000 cyber events per second in
                                                                                    from. (Smadar Perry, Ynet News)
        STUDY: 80 PERCENT                     right” for college  students, brought                                       2019, and is one of the most targeted
                                                                                                                          organizations in the world.
        OF U.S. JEWS SAY THEY                 500 participants from the U.S. to Israel   POLL: ISRAELIS RATE                 This huge exposure to cyberattacks
                                              recently  where they were welcomed
        ARE PRO-ISRAEL                        by U.S.  Ambassador to Israel David   NATIONAL SECURITY                     has led IEC to develop its cybersecu-
        80% of American Jews describe them-   Friedman.                             THREATS                               rity tools and market  them  globally.
        selves as pro-Israel and more than 70%    Passages plans to bring 10,000    31% of the Israeli public believes the   (Shoshanna Solomon, Times of Israel)
        say their personal attachment to Isra-  Christian college students to Israel this   northern sector, including Lebanon and   ISRAELIS WIN GOLD
        el is as strong or stronger than it was   year, introducing them to the roots of   Syria, poses the greatest threat to na-

        five years ago, according to a new poll   their biblical faith and building bridges   tional security; while 26% think Iran’s   AT WORLD DEBATE     Google lists Tel Aviv as
        conducted for the Ruderman Family     between Israel and the U.S. (Jerusalem   nuclear program is the central threat, a   CHAMPIONSHIP
                                                                                                                          Israeli  students Hadar Goldberg and
        Foundation by the Mellman Group on    Post)                                 new study by the Institute for National   Maya Saveliev won a gold medal at the #5 top travel destination
        a sample of 2,500 U.S. Jews.                                                Security Studies at Tel Aviv University
            67% said they were “attached” or   ISRAELI TECHNOLOGY                   has found.                            40  World Universities Debate Cham- in 2020
        “very  attached”  to  Israel  on  an  emo-  HELPS WOUNDED                      14% view  the  Israeli-Palestinian   pionship in Thailand on Friday, Janu-

        tional  level.  At the  same time,  57%   CANADIAN SOLDIER                  conflict  as  the  most  serious  security   ary 3, in the category of debaters who  By Naama Barak, ISRAEL21c

        identified as “pro-Israel but also criti-  TO WALK                          problem,  while 14% view Hamas in     speak English as a second language.     el Aviv is a fabulous travel des-
        cal of Israeli policy.”                                                     Gaza as a primary threat.                The two Israeli women, compet-       tination, and certainly  one on
            “It appears doomsday talks about   In 2006, Capt. Trevor Greene was serv-  82% agree with the statement that   ing on behalf of the Open University of  Tpeople’s mind.  Internet  giant
        an irreversible chasm between Israel   ing with the Canadian infantry in Af-  “Israel can rely only on itself” in a war.   Israel, defeated 384 groups, which in- Google recently shared that  Tel Aviv
        and the American  Jewish community    ghanistan when an Afghan plunged an   (Yoav Limor, Israel Hayom)            cluded 750 speakers. (Jerusalem Post)  was  the  fifth  trending  destination  for

        were mistaken,”  said Jay Ruderman,   axe into the back of his head at a meet-                                                                      the upcoming year.
        president  of  the  Ruderman  Family   ing with local tribal elders.            STAY CONNECTED                        STAY CONNECTED                   Revealing the top 10 trending des-
        Foundation. (Jeremy Sharon,  Jerusa-      The attack left him unable to walk                                                                        tinations in 2020, Google listed Da
        lem Post)                             until a Canadian  neuroscientist  con-

                                              nected him with an Israeli-made wear-                                                                         Nang  in  Vietnam  in  first  place,  fol-
        POLL: WHAT AMERICANS                  able exoskeleton that does the walking                                                                        lowed by Sao Paolo, Seoul, Tokyo and
        KNOW ABOUT THE                        for him.                                                                                                      Tel Aviv.  The second half of the list
                                                                                                                                                            was comprised  of  Marseille,  Vienna,
                                                  Retired U.S.  Army Sgt.  Terry
        HOLOCAUST                             Hannigan Vereline also uses the device.                                                                       Bangkok, Dubai and Perth.
        Only 45% of U.S. adults  correctly    In 2019 she successfully  completed                                                The  lineup was based on Google
        answered a multiple-choice  question   the New York City Marathon, though                                                                           hotel search data in December 2019.
        about the number of Jews who were     it took her three days. (Paul Lungen,                                                                            In good news for Israelis, they
        murdered in the Holocaust (6 million),   Canadian Jewish News)                                                         should be able to visit all the cities on
        according  to a new Pew Research

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