Page 35 - Jewish News_March-2020
P. 35

COMMENTARY                                                                              March 2020                                      35A

        How Auschwitz has united Muslims and Jews

        By Mohammad Al-Issa and David Harris, January 28, 2020
 their windows. The message was clear:  American Jewish Committee CEO Da-  trust and ignorance of the other. When   ideology at Slavs, Roma, people of col-  other belongings of those deported to
 Anti-Semitism and racism had no place  vid Harris and Muslim World League   we met  last April, we recognized  the   or, the handicapped and many others.  this accursed  place,  led to believe  it

 there.  Secretary General Mohammad Al-Issa   interconnectedness  of our  missions.    Seventy-five  years  later,  it  would   was for relocation,  not annihilation.
 In a survey of American Jews by  co-authored  this  groundbreaking  op-  Our organizations, the Muslim World   be naïve of us to believe  we are im-  The stark barracks with bare, three-

 the  American  Jewish Committee,  re- ed, published by the Chicago Tribune,   League  and  American  Jewish Com-  mune to the possibility  of another   tiered  bunk  beds,  once  overflowing
 leased in October, 31 percent of re- following the unprecedented joint visit   mittee, signed an agreement to “make   industrialized genocide fueled by ideo-  with skeletal,  lice-infested,  terrorized
 spondents said that  they  had taken  of Muslims and Jews to Auschwitz they   the 21  century an era of harmony and   logical extremism. Left unchecked, the   women, men and children.  The rem-
 steps to hide their  Jewish identity  in  led on January 23.  friendship”  that  unites  our communi-  forces of evil  could threaten any mi-  nants of the gas chambers and crema-

 public, while 25 percent said they now   e come from very different   ties against all attempts to divide us by   nority community, anywhere.  toria. The execution walls and hanging
 avoided Jewish sites. And this survey   backgrounds. One of us is a   race, faith, nationality or ethnicity.  As the last remaining survivors and   sites. The train tracks that brought peo-

 was conducted before  the  recent  at- WMuslim, born and raised in   Words  are  important,  but  insuffi-  liberators pass on, we have a shared stake   ple  packed  in  suffocating  cattle  cars.
 tacks in Jersey City and Monsey.  Saudi Arabia, a country where Islam is   cient. The ultimate test is action.  in  ensuring  the  lessons of Auschwitz  And where Nazi doctors performed

 This is unacceptable. It is not our  the official religion and the vast major-  That  explains  why we co-headed   do not disappear with them. To forget   medical experiments that are an eternal
 America. We call on all Americans of  ity of the population shares the same   a  joint  Jewish-Muslim  delegation  to   would be to invite  a new Auschwitz.   abomination of science.
 good will to ask ourselves how each of  faith. There is no local Jewish commu-  Auschwitz to mark the 75  anniversary   We must not forget. We dare not forget.  These 1.1 million people murdered
 us can defend our inclusive vision for  nity and no direct connection to World   of the Nazi German camp’s liberation.   Visiting  Auschwitz is an impor-  in Auschwitz were human beings, each
 this country.  War II.                       At a site of unconscionable  pain, the   tant  education  for anyone who wants   with his or her own story, their world
 Nita Lowey is a United States congress-  The other is a Jew, born and raised   images of Jews and Muslims praying   to build a better world. It cannot be-  brutally cut short.
 woman whose district includes Mon- in a secular  United States, exposed   in their own manner and to the same   gin to fully convey the agony of those   As Muslim and as Jew, we remem-
 sey. David Harris is the chief executive  to  few Muslims during  his  formative   God should give the world hope that   who were imprisoned, tortured and de-  ber them. And we honor their memo-
 of American Jewish Committee.  years, his life shaped by the events of   adherents of both faiths are determined   humanized  within – the fear, hunger,   ries by bearing witness, linking arms
        World  War II and the experiences of   to build a more humane and harmoni-  disease, loneliness, family separation,   and saying “Never Again.”
        his parents, both Holocaust survivors.  ous tomorrow.                       indignities, exhaustion and, ultimately,
            Yet on January 23, we stood to-       The visit marked the most se-     death. But it is a start.               The AJC West Coast Florida

        gether with united resolve in the face   nior Islamic  delegation  ever to visit   Together, we saw the shoes, suit-  o ce, located in Sarasota, can
        of history’s greatest horror, the Holo-  Auschwitz,  including  Muslim leaders   cases, eyeglasses, prosthetics, hair and   be reached at 941.365.4955.
        caust, at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death   from more than two dozen countries   shaving brushes, pots and pans, and
        camp where more than 1 million Jews   in  Africa,  Asia,  Europe,  the  Middle
        perished. Never Again. Not for Jews.   East and North America. But it ought
        Not for Muslims. Not for any of God’s   to represent a seminal  moment for                                               SERVING THE JEWISH
        children.                             Jews as well, a reminder that both our                                             SINCE 1978
            We have come together, believ-    faiths compel us to act against injus-      L’Dor                                  Charter Members of
        ing  that  the  world desperately  needs   tice.                                                                         Temple Sinai
        greater interfaith understanding and      In Hebrew, we speak  of “tikkun
        cooperation.  The terrible  attacks  on   olam.” In  Arabic, “islah.” Each  de-                                          Selling
        Jews in Pittsburgh, San Diego, Jersey   mands of us to repair the world through        V’Dor
        City, Monsey and Halle, Germany; the   education and action, among our own                                               Real Estate to
        genocide  against  the  Rohingya  Mus-  communities and through partnerships                                             Every Generation
        lims in Myanmar and the massacre of   such as ours.
        Muslim  worshippers in  Christchurch,     Our presence at Auschwitz was as
        New Zealand; and the wanton killing   much about the present as the past.
        of Christians celebrating Easter in Sri   The  Holocaust  reminds  us of the        Selling the “Sarasota Lifestyle”...
        Lanka  demonstrate  the  global  threat   human capacity  for inhumanity, de-          be it Downtown, Waterfront,
        we are all facing.                    pravity and bestiality.  Two-thirds of
            Within our own communities, we    European Jewry was destroyed. But        Golf or other Residential Communities
        both  have  been  confronting  fear, dis-  the Nazis directed their supremacist

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