Page 37 - Jewish News_March-2020
P. 37

COMMENTARY                                                                              March 2020                                      37A

        Who is honored? The one who extends honor

        to all others

                                              phone’s pervasive overuse has become   that  he/she has feelings  just like  you   humanity. This is so much more than
                                              a curse of everyday life. It intrudes on   do?”                             an  esoteric  philosophical  concept.  It
                                                                                       This is a not a trivial matter. It re-
                              From            everyday conversation as it intrudes on   duces the  checker  to  being  no more   is a much needed lesson for the  cell
                                              basic human interaction. It has also be-
                                                                                                                          phone age and should apply to ev-
                              the             come lethal. The vast majority of auto-  than a thing, not an actual person.   ery human being whether we call  it
                                                                                                                          etiquette, common decency or derech
                                              mobile crashes are caused by texting.
                                                                                       In the philosopher Martin Buber’s
                              Bimah           If you don’t believe me, ask any tow-  great book I and Thou, he teaches that   eretz. Who is honored? The one who
                                                                                                                          extends honor to all others.
                                                                                    when we regard another person as a
                                              truck driver. It is illegal to text while
                                              driving, for all the good that does!  functionary, we ignore  their essential
                                                  An example of cell phone excess
        Rabbi Michael P. Sternfield            that  pervades everyday life: We have   The miracles that

        Temple Beth El of Bradenton           all seen it and some have done it our-
        & Lakewood Ranch                      selves. I am referring to talking on the   surround us
                                              phone while  someone  is assisting  us,
              he word “etiquette”  seems      the most pervasive of which is at the                                          Over the last few years, I have been
              quaint, even old-fashioned in   supermarket  checkout  counter.  When                                       hearing  a common  refrain  lamenting
        Ttoday’s fast-moving  society.        a customer continues chatting on his/                     From              the terrible  times we live in. Phrases
        The columnist Judith Martin continues   her phone while the clerk is ringing up                                   such as, “What a terrible time to raise
        to write about keeping courtesy alive   and bagging the groceries, this is pro-                 the               children” or “I’m so happy I won’t be
        with her “Miss Manners” advice col-   foundly  disrespectful  to  the  checker.                                   around to see what the future will look
        umn, but unfortunately it seems to be   Such discourtesy is worse  than rude.                   Bimah             like,” have arisen all too often. While
        an uphill battle.                     It disregards the essential humanity of                                     these are certainly real and valid feel-
            Judaism has its own version of eti-  the person who is assisting us.                                          ings, I get the sense that we are not
        quette. It can be found throughout the    Do we really think that the grocery   Rabbi Mendy Bukiet                appreciating the greater picture that is
        Torah and Jewish law. We call it derech   clerk enjoys his/her job? Not likely. It                                taking place and all of the wonders and
        eretz, literally “the way of land,” better   must be so tedious, without any more   Chabad of Bradenton           miracles that we have at this time.

        understood as common  decency.  The   gratification  than  taking  home  a  pay-  & Lakewood Ranch                   How lucky we are that we live in
        most straightforward example  comes   check.  To ignore one’s essential  hu-       ave you ever taken  a closer   America, the land of opportunity, with
        from the Pirké  Avot in which Ben     manity, treating the checker as if he/she    look  at  the  story of  Purim?   the freedom to serve G-d and practice
        Zoma  teaches:  Who  is  honored?  The   is just an extension of the device that  HG-d’s name  is not found       our beliefs as we would like. We live
        one who gives honor to others. Derech   scans the groceries, must be seen as a   throughout the Megillah,  the story of   in  a  time  when we can  help  people,
        eretz is the code of proper behavior that   violation of common courtesy, particu-  Purim.  It reads like  a  series of coin-  not only in our local  community, but
        binds us to each other as human beings.   larly the Jewish precept articulated by   cidences that thread together to create   anywhere in the world in a moment’s
            Our society badly needs a refresher   Ben Zoma.                         a fairy tale-like  ending.  The manner   time. We are able to raise our children
        course in common decency in regard        When I observe this happening, I   in which the story is written gives   with all the Torah knowledge that they
        to use of the cell phone including tex-  am tempted to say, “Don’t you realize   room for the cynic to proclaim that   want from any location. We live in a
        ting. Despite its convenience, the cell   that the checker is also a human being,   G-d’s hand was not involved at all.  time where food is in abundance and
                                                                                       We know that  Divine Providence
                         What do you think?                                         is always at play behind the scenes. It   comforts abound. We live in a time that
                                                                                                                          we can connect with family and friends
            The Jewish News wants to know!                                          seems that G-d for some odd reason    with the click of a button. We live in a
                                                                                                                          time where the advancement of medi-
                                                                                    did not want the story to stand out as
              Send an email to                              a great miracle. Which begs the ques-  cine and technology is saving and help-
                                                                                    tion, why? Why would G-d want it to
                                                                                                                          ing humanity at unbelievable rates.
                                      Letters Policy                                be that way? Why leave room for the      Never has there been a time when
          Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words, must be typed, and include the writer’s name, mailing   skeptic to question G-d’s Divine inter-  society has advanced so quickly and at
          address and phone number. Letters can be submitted via USPS or email (   vention?       such an unbelievable pace. Is this not
          Not all letters will be published. Letters may be edited for length and content.
                                                                                       The  Lubavitcher  Rebbe,  z”l,  ex-  miraculous?
                                                                                    plains  that  G-d  wants  us  to  find  His   The story of Purim teaches us to

                                                                                    miracles and His hand even in the     look around and appreciate the seem-
                                                                                    mundane. At a time that looks as if G-d   ingly hidden miracles of our lives. Let
                                                                                    is completely hidden, G-d wants us to   us rejoice in the spirit of Purim and

                                                                                    search and find His Divine presence at   find the G-dly miracles that surround

                                                                                    work.                                 us. Happy Purim!


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                                                                                        For more information contact
                                                                                        Lisa Feinman at
                                                                                        or 941.706.0034                         The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life
                                                                                                                                         580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232

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