Page 39 - Jewish News_March-2020
P. 39
COMMENTARY March 2020 39A
Peace or politics Chickpeas, beer
By Harold M. Halpern and the philtrum
he following is an e-mail I sent endangering Israel security.
to my friend Stuart in Jerusa- Gantz will condemn Netanyahu as By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
Tlem. unfit to serve by reason of the pending ollowing the birth of an Ash- loss of his Torah learning.
I enjoy our correspondence. You criminal charges of bribery, corruption kenazi baby boy, relatives and Theoretically, this explains the
asked how the American Jewish com- and breach of trust. Ffriends traditionally come to the presence of chickpeas since, being
munity feels about President Donald And Avigdor Liberman, leader of synagogue or home on Erev Shabbat to round, they symbolize the cycle of life
Trump’s Peace Plan. There is no one Yisrael Beiteinu, will accuse Netan- extend congratulations. What refresh- and are commonly found at the home
voice. I’ll tell you yahu of being in bed with the Orthodox ments are served? of mourners. But how does this square
my thoughts. parties to preserve the Orthodox con- Chickpeas and with the occasion’s exuberant con-
The Plan has trol of marriage, lifecycle events and beer. Why these sumption of beer? Well, an argument is
been rejected by Shabbat prohibition of public transpor- particular foods? made that the drink is very appropriate
the Palestinians tation as well as exemption for Ortho- That’s a good since it derives from barley, a grain that
and pronounced dox students to serve in military forces question. is also fairly round. Probably, though,
“dead on arrival.” until 35. There is no drinking beer came in vogue because
They will not ne- The polls indicate that the Israeli clear-cut explana- it was both less formal and less expen-
gotiate. election will wind up in another dead- tion for the cus- sive than wine. So, too, salt and pep-
Harold M. Halpern The principal lock. However, I feel public pressure, Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz tom of Shalom pered chickpeas were a popular snack,
terms of the Plan include: the need for a budget and stability will Zachar (welcoming the male). How- and beer would seem to have been an
Sovereignty of Israel over all set- force the parties to agree to a unity ever, the search for one yields curious effective thirst quencher. Seemingly,
tlements in the West Bank and Jor- government to avoid a fourth election. possibilities. While some people don’t the custom was assigned to Shab-
dan Valley If there is a unity government, ever require an excuse for a party, Jews bat since that is a time Jews regularly
A demilitarized Palestinian contig- or if a Netanyahu coalition of parties characteristically never need an excuse come together each week.
uous state in an area equal to 70- squeaks out 61 votes, will Netanyahu for proposing creative meanings for Consuming chickpeas and beer on
80% of the West Bank be selected as Prime Minister to head why they do things. the Sabbath after the birth of a boy cer-
Israel to control the security of the the government while at the same An early source conveys that tainly appears to be a convivial way to
West Bank and its borders and air time he is in court defending himself? Shalom Zachar simply represented welcome a new member to the Jewish
space Would his selection survive a chal- gratitude for the baby’s survival of community, even if we may not know
Borders, maps and details of agree- lenge in the Supreme Court or would his mother’s labor. Since birth mortal- exactly why it is done. But like numer-
ment to be negotiated the Likud party rise up and select a new ity rates were quite high up until rela- ous other Jewish traditions, scratch-
Jerusalem is the undivided capital leader? tively recently in human history, such ing their surfaces can yield fascinating
of Israel I have no answers but only ques- expressions of thanksgiving have long learning excursions.
Negotiations to be completed in tions. I will stay in touch as the cam- been found in cultures throughout the I am reminded of a story of a little
four years paign unfolds. world. girl who inquired why her mother al-
During negotiations, Israel is not A subsequent email to Stuart: Later, a well-known Talmudic leg- ways cut the end off the roast before
to build new or enlarge existing Netanyahu has promised during end relating that an angel teaches the putting it into the oven. Her moth-
settlements his campaigns to annex the settlements child the entire Torah while he is in er said she was just following her
I feel that the timing of the release and the Jordan Valley. The Plan may be the womb, enters the Shalom Zachar mother’s practice and encouraged her
of the Plan is an effort to solidify the a green light from the U.S. to proceed picture. At birth, the angel strikes the daughter to ask her grandmother why.
base of both Trump’s and Netanyahu’s – the implications of which will be sig- baby’s mouth causing him to forget all Her grandmother told her that she did
supporters for their upcoming elec- nificant. he’d learned and marking him with his it because that’s how her mother used
tions. Will the two-state solution sur- philtrum, the ubiquitous groove found to do it. Fortunately, the girl’s great
In the long run, I don’t think the re- vive? Will the West Bank in its entirety between our upper lip and nose. Since grandmother was still alive, so she pre-
lease of the Plan will have any impact be incorporated into Israel? the baby makes an oath that he’ll be- sented the same question to her. “Yes, I
on your election. Its terms already had What will be the status of the Arab come a righteous person (tsaddik), he know why I always cut the end off the
been leaked and commented on. There West Bank inhabitants? obligates himself to earn this distinc- roast,” she responded. “Because the
will be an initial burst of discussion. Will Israel remain a Jewish state tion by relearning the Torah he was pan wasn’t big enough.”
Netanyahu’s principal opponent to be and a democracy with equal rights for made to forget. I bet that little girl continued cut-
Prime Minister, Benny Gantz – and his all minorities as proclaimed in its Dec- A wordplay is then utilized to as- ting off the end of the roast after grow-
coalition – was positive about the Plan laration of Independence? sert that Shalom Zachar should not be ing up and preparing it for her own
as was Netanyahu. So there is no basis All these questions are for later understood in terms of maleness but family. Can you hear Tevya singing in
for an issue there. serious discussions. memory (zachor), especially in terms the background?
After a short period, the campaign Harold Halpern is a retired attorney of the commandment to remember the Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as a
will return to its normal routine. Netan- living in Lakewood Ranch, a board Sabbath. The Sabbath association was Community Chaplain and Director of
yahu will claim credit for positive rela- member of the American Association subsequently combined with the idea JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program. His
tions with the U.S. and attack Gantz as of Lawyers and Jurists, and a board that visitors come on the Sabbath to position is underwritten by The Jewish
beholden to liberals and Arab Israelis member of AJC West Coast Florida. comfort the baby in mourning over the Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
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