Page 41 - Jewish News_March-2020
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FOCUS ON YOUTH March 2020 41A
Purim is a time for play and merriment! Community Day School honors Sue Rosin
ershorin Schiff Community School, Dan Ceaser. Then guests en- years ago. She has been engaged with the Sisterhood’s popular Luncheon &
Day School honored long- joyed a delicious brunch spread, two the Jewish community for decades, Fashion Show for the past 10 years.
Htime former preschool teacher, songs performed by Rosin’s grand- involved with organizations includ- “We are pleased to recognize ‘our
school parent and grandparent, and all- daughter Ava Rosin, an original song – ing ORT America, Israel Bonds and Sue’ with the Goldie Feldman Award,”
around “mensch” Sue Rosin during the written by Dr. Wendy Katz (last year’s The Jewish Federation of Sarasota- said Ceaser. “She has grown with our
recent Goldie Feldman Award Brunch. Goldie Feldman Award-winner) and Manatee. school and our community through
She was recognized for her years of Community Day’s musical theater di- At Temple Beth Sholom, Rosin has many iterations, and has been a trans-
volunteering with the school’s literacy rector Michelle Walker – performed by served in a variety of positions over the formative figure as an educator and
program, particularly for her dedicated Community Day’s “Shir Squad,” and years. She taught Judaica to young- advocate as our program has expanded
service as a featured reader during the inspirational words from the honoree sters enrolled at the temple’s religious and matured. We are grateful for her
annual Dr. Seuss Day. herself. school. She was co-president of the many contributions – and our students
The program started with a cock- Rosin was raised in Miami and Sisterhood in 1980 and has co-chaired just love her!”
tail hour before guests sat down to taught elementary school there be-
Sarasota BBYO hear from Community Day’s Head of fore moving to Sarasota more than 51
This program is sponsored by
The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
By Jessica Zimmerman, Associate Regional Dir., North Florida Region
information about BBYO in this area,
please email me at jesszimmerman@
Upcoming for teens in Sarasota-
Manatee is our big event of the spring:
TreeUmph! We will be offering half-
price admission of $25 for only the first
20 BBYO members who register.
Not yet a BBYO member? Mem- Hershorin Schiff Community Day School
bership is a one-time fee of $149 and Preschool - 8th grade
will last through 12 grade graduation.
Membership offers you discounts to Where students learn, lead and laugh together
exciting programs, the option to attend The Community Day School difference:
regional conventions and member-only Community Day Head of School Dan Ceaser, honoree Sue Rosin, 2019 Goldie Feldman
programs, and allows you to take on Award-winner and 2020 committee member Dr. Wendy Katz, and Community Day A Jewish day school that is committed to diversity
leadership roles in your chapter. You board member Stacey Edelman (photo by Cliff Roles) Rigorous, project-based learning
can register for membership at Healthy and active outdoor learning daily
memberbbyo. “Each One a Life” – Music and art for every child, every week, all year
Looking for community service Competitive athletics
hours? BBYO is partnering with Tem- tab counting reaches
ple Sinai for its annual Mitzvah Day on Variable Tuition Model – affordable for every family
Sunday, April 19. Contact me for infor- a milestone Accredited by FCIS, FKC & PRIZMAH
mation on how to earn
service hours while By Gail Glickman Hershorin Schiff Community Day School
getting to know Jewish e knew we were getting and what it might mean when two tabs 1050 S. Tuttle Ave. Sarasota
teens from throughout close. One-and-a-half mil- were linked together (perhaps two peo- (941) 552-2770 |
the area. Wlion Jewish children died in ple died in each other’s arms).
To be added to our the Holocaust, and Temple Sinai’s Tabs We now have collected 1.6 million
email list and receive for Souls campaign, in which each alu- tabs, and are still counting. The com-
updates about BBYO minum tab represents a Jewish victim munity is encouraged to help the stu-
programming, email me of the Holocaust, was approaching this dents reach their goal of 6,000,000 by
at the address above. I signifi cant milestone. continuing to collect and donate tabs.
hope to hear from you As we weighed and counted the All aluminum tabs including those
and welcome you to tabs that day, we worked more slow- food, fruit, sardines and more, in all COMMUNITY
from cans of beverages, soups, cat
Sarasota BBYO. ly than usual so we would be sure to
pause and mark the moment. When we colors and sizes, are accepted. Schools,
reached 1.5 million tabs, we stopped, businesses, doctors’ offices and many HAVDALAH
talked about what our work to date rep- individuals in our local community
resented, and shared an apt poem titled and beyond are participating. There are
“Each One a Life” by Fred Rothzeid. collection containers at Temple Sinai
Siesta Key Beach
It begins: and you even can request one for your
Each one precious business. Sie s t a K ey Beach
Full of promise For more information, contact Sue
Filled with hope Huntting at
Each one a life…
, A
l 1
This campaign, started Saturday, April 18,
by the students in Reb Ari
Shapiro’s 7 grade Holo- 6-8pm
caust class years ago, ulti-
mately aims to collect six
Sea Turtle Pavilion
million aluminum tabs, Sea T urtle P avilion
at Siesta Beach Park
the powerful meaning of at Siesta Beach P ark
948 Beach Rd., Siesta Key
which students, families 948 Beach Rd., Siesta K ey
and adults feel each time
they gather. Recently, Join us for an all-ages, rockin’,
students poignantly dis- campy community Havdalah
cussed whether a broken
tab should be counted lead by the Sababa Beach
(the decision was that it staff. Enjoy music and a festive
should, since people may traditional Havdalah at the
have died with ampu- beach, along with light snacks
tated or broken limbs), Dylan Weitzner and Alix Leinweber (wine and cheese, s’mores,
and more). Make your own
Havdalah candle and spice bag
to use, and then enjoy at home.
Rain or shine. In the event of
inclement weather, an alternate
location will be communicated.
For more information or to register, go to
or contact Trudi Krames at 941.706.0037 or
Karen & Micah Lifrak with Reb Ari Shapiro
Check out our programs for all ages at