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JEWISH INTEREST                                                                         March 2020                                      21A

        Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

        How grandparents can share their heritage

        with secular or interfaith Jewish grandchildren

        By Rabbi Barbara Aiello
        “    ’m afraid to interfere,” said Mag-  perspective to encourage Jewish grand-  mini-museum,  making  sure that  it  is   mind, have your grandchildren help
             da,  grandmother  to interfaith   parents to share their heritage with the   eye-level for the little ones. Ask your   you organize the Seder by creating in-
          Itwin girls whose Jewish son and    grandkids.                            Jewish son or daughter if he/she would   dividual Seder plates, matzah covers or
        Methodist daughter-in-law are raising     Where to begin?  First, some      like to contribute a personal item to the   book covers for the Haggadah.
        their daughters in both faiths. Magda’s   ground rules. Ancient Jewish practice   “museum,”  as well. When  the  grand-  Chanukah ranks as the second
        friend “Zayde” Nathan shares her con-  dictates that we Jews do not prosely-  children visit, show them their family   most popular Jewish holiday, even
        cerns. Nathan  says, “My grandson is   tize, meaning that we don’t actively try   museum, let them explore, touch and   more special  because it has its own
        almost 10 and I haven’t brought up the   to convert others to become Jews. This   ask questions. Personalize the items.   unique  interfaith  meaning.  Kindling
        Jewish thing. His parents are atheists   rule applies to our grandchildren too.   “This  is my  father’s  tallit and these   the candles and placing the lighted me-
                           and refer to them-  Depending on your family’s Jewish de-  were my mother’s Shabbat candle-    norah in the window demonstrates the
                           selves as cultural   nomination, you may already consider   sticks.” Or if these items are no longer   basic tenet of the festival  – religious
                           Jews, but they     that your grandchildren are Jewish, but   accessible, adapt. “This is a tallit like   freedom. An interfaith or secular fam-
                           don’t do anything   modern life demonstrates that Jewish-  my father wore and these are candle-  ily is an example of religious tolerance

                           Jewish. I won’t    ness is less about bloodline and more   sticks just like my mother had for Shab-  and appreciation of differences. Mak-
                           be here forever. I   about day-to-day behavior.          bat.” Before each visit add an item or   ing or buying individual  Chanukah
                           want my grand-         Respect is also key. You may not   two and ask your grandchild if she can   menorahs for each family member can
                           son   to   know    agree with the religious climate (or lack   find what’s new in the mini-museum.   add to the enjoyment.

                           about  his Jewish   of it) in your grandkids’ home, but if   When  the  kids are  familiar  with  the   UK’s Rabbi  Gideon  Sylvester
                           roots.”            you adopt an attitude that demonstrates   items,  organize  a  scavenger  hunt  to   puts it well when he discusses teach-
         Rabbi Barbara Aiello  With a U.S.    respect for their choices, interfaith and   foster a personal hands-on relationship   ing about Judaism to anyone, Jewish
        intermarriage rate at nearly 60%, and   secular parents may be more open to   with your family’s Jewish treasures.  or not (Jewish Chronicle 2010). Rabbi
        with more than 30% of Jews self-iden-  grandparents’ sharing family history   Nothin’ says lovin’                 Sylvester references the Torah where it
        tifying  as non-observant  or secular,   with their children.               like Jewish cooking                   says, “Keep my commandments which
        it  seems that  Grandma  Magda’s and      The grandkids may understand that   If you are able to spend time with your   a person should perform and through
        Zayde  Nathan’s concerns are not      mom or dad is Jewish, but it’s possible   grandchildren, create a cooking school   which they will gain eternal life” (Le-
        unique. For  more than one third of   that they have had no experience with   experience. Use family recipes for bris-  viticus 18: 5). The verse makes no dis-
        American  Jewish families,  issues re-  the history and traditions of the Jew-  ket, latkes, kugel or blintzes, and teach   tinction  between  Jews and non-Jews.
        garding how and when to share Jew-    ish people. That’s where the grandpar-  the grandkids how to become  chefs   Torah is there for everyone, including

        ish traditions are a sensitive part of the   ents come in. As bearers of the flame,   in  Bubby’s Jewish Cooking  School.   our interfaith and secular grandkids.
        grandparenting experience.            grandparents  are  the  family  members   While you’re creating, be sure to share   Rabbi Barbara Aiello is the fi rst non-
            One of the first to describe the joys   who give the youngest generation  a   family memories of how, when and   Orthodox rabbi and fi rst woman rabbi

        and challenges facing interfaith grand-  sense of their history. Grandparents   why  these Jewish foods  were eaten.   in Italy. She is the spiritual leader of
        parents was author Sunie Levin. In her   can play an important role in helping   Invite the parents to sample the feast.  the fi rst active synagogue in southern
        groundbreaking book,  Mingled Roots   their grandkids appreciate  who they   Jewish holidays                      Italy  since  Inquisition  times,  founder
        –  A  Guide  for  Jewish  Grandparents   are and where they come from.      Passover is the Jewish holiday  cel-  of  Italy’s  Pluralistic  Jewish  move-
        of  Interfaith  Children  (UAHC Press,   Here are some things you can do:   ebrated by more Jews than any other.   ment, and a mentoring rabbi for Dar-
        2003), Levin shares her personal expe-  The mini-museum                     Regardless  of  Jewish persuasion,  the   shan  Yeshiva’s  conversion  program.
        riences with the topic.               Create  a  Jewish corner  in  your own   Passover Seder (traditional meal with   She is a vice president of Kulanu, an
            As a rabbi who supports intermar-  home. Shine the Chanukah menorah     symbolic  foods,  prayers  and  stories)  international Jewish organization that
        riage  and the uniquely  rich trove of   and buy some Shabbat candles. Find   has brought  more  Yiddishkeit  to  in-  supports  Jewish  diversity  worldwide.
        traditions  that characterizes  so many   the family  Kiddush cup and great-  terfaith and secular families than any   Contact Rabbi Aiello at rabbi@rabbi-
        interfaith families, I’ve applied Levin’s   grandpa’s tallit. Select a spot for your   other holiday experience. With this in

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