Page 28 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 28

28A                         January 2021                                                               COMMUNITY FOCUS

     Great Aviva stories

     By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
        ’ve experienced several fascinating   by train instead and take a ferry to     This  prompted  Ulin  and  some  class-  Robert Stack
        conversations,  small-world  stories   England. In order to avoid raising sus-  mates to travel to Washington to seek   After years in the clothing  business,
     Iand humorous interactions at Aviva   picions, they never cancelled the boat   redress.  When Massachusetts’ senior   Robert Stack returned to school to be-
     - A Campus for Senior Life in the last     tickets.                        senator rebuffed them in a Capitol hall-  come a social worker. One of his first
     few months. Here is a sampling.      Jack Rosenblum                        way, they then knocked on the door of   placements  was in  a  hospital  setting
     Carolyn Kaplan                       When Jack Rosenblum scored high-      the state’s junior senator. Though they   whose  staff included one  other mem-
     Shortly  after  Hitler’s  ascension  as   ly on a series of military tests, he was     had to wait several hours, when John   ber  of the  Jewish faith.  Once,  when
     German  Chancellor,  Carolyn  Kaplan   assigned to an artillery unit as a forward   F. Kennedy returned from an extended   another  staff  member  got  a  bad  cold,
     shared that  a Brownshirt (member  of   observer. During the Battle of Okina-  session on the floor of the Senate, he   she prepared several servings of chick-
                       the Nazi militia)   wa, he advanced ahead of his unit to   warmly welcomed them into his office.   en soup for him. Feeling much better
                       entered her class-  the front lines in order to report back by   After listening to the students explain   sooner than  anticipated,  he  asked her
                       room one morn-     phone the locations of enemy emplace-  the situation, Kennedy said, “Boys, it   what made the soup so effective. She
                       ing. He sternly    ments. When his unit fired, their mor-  seems to me you got screwed.” After   replied that it contained “Jewish pen-
                       announced that     tar shells flew over Rosenblum’s head.   Democrats regained a majority in the   icillin.”  He  and  other  staff  members
                       if Germany were    The Japanese quickly calibrated the lo-  Senate in the fall, Ulin wrote Kennedy,   were mystified by this response as they
                       to stay strong, the   cation of the unit and fired back with   who then contacted the  Air Force.  A   actually  thought there might be such
                       nation  must  deal   artillery of their own. Several members   short time later, Ulin and his classmates   a thing. The Jewish woman, probably
                       with its weak-     of the unit whom Jack knew well were   received word that the Air Force had re-  giggling inside, didn’t say anything for
     Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  ness. He pointed   killed. During a visit with him, Rosen-  versed its stance and they received their   a few months. But, ever the punster,
     to her and another Jewish child, iden-  blum also recited by heart an elaborate   commissions as originally planned.  Bob piped up, saying, “It’s not Jew-
     tifying them as the cause of this weak-  Purim spiel he’s been working on for   Bob Greenfield                   ish penicillin  but another medication,
     ness. After ordering Carolyn to move   several years. Though it has many in-  Bob  Greenfield,  a  former  educator   Bubba Meisin.”
     from  the  first  to  the  last  row  of  the   triguing twists and turns, he resolves   from  Illinois,  mentioned  to  me  that   Many Aviva residents are original-
     room, the Brownshirt then flipped over   them with great creativity and humor.   he’d taught English for a time  at a   ly  from  New York.  Sometimes,  there
     her desk. Carolyn clearly remembers   He hopes to see the  spiel  performed   small college in the Chicago area. He   can be a tendency among them to think
     watching all the ink from the inkwell   when the pandemic is behind us.    didn’t mention the name because he    that anything west of the Hudson River
     splatter on the floor. That was the last   Walt Ulin                       didn’t think I’d have heard of it. When   is merely flyover country. I, therefore,
     day she attended the school, located in   While studying at Harvard, Walt Ulin   I asked him for the name, he replied,   have  relished  sharing a  story in  their
     a small town 50 miles outside of Frank-  participated  in  Air  Force  ROTC  and   “Lake Forest.” We both laughed when   company from my teenage years.
     furt. Her family subsequently sought to   expected to receive his commission at   I shared that my father had attended the   Every summer our family  would
     leave Germany by sea. However, when   graduation. However, during his senior   school. In fact, I told Bob I possessed a   travel  from  Ohio  to  visit  my  grand-
     they heard that authorities  planned   year, the Air Force changed the rules so   Lake Forest yearbook that has a photo   father, who lived in Flushing, Queens,
     to arrest her father just before board-  that four years of service were required   of two members of the school’s debate   New York. One year, my beloved Cin-
     ing  their  ship, they  decided  to  leave   for the commission rather than two.   team,  my father and probably Lake   cinnati  Reds happened to be playing
                                                                                Forest’s most  famous  graduate.  Bob   the New  York Mets while we were
                                                                                paused a moment  and then  correctly   there. Since we were staying so close
                                                                                responded, “Richard Widmark.”         to Shea Stadium, I just had to see The
                                                                                Jon Weisbaum                          Big Red Machine in action. But, hardly
                                                                                When I visited with Jon Weisbaum, I   eager to draw attention to my foreigner
                                                                                knew nothing about his background.    status in enemy territory, I didn’t wear
                                                                                However, I smiled broadly when I      anything  that  suggested my loyalty
                                                                                learned  he  was from  Cincinnati  be-  was not to the Mets. Sitting in the right
         Visit our web site
         and call to order.                                                     cause the Queen City is my hometown   field upper deck, I watched with great                                                    as well. Not only this, but we attended   pride as the Reds, featuring stars John-
                                                                                the same high school and knew some    ny Bench, Pete Rose and Joe Morgan,
         SERVING THE SUNCOAST FOR OVER 30 YEARS!                                people  in common.  While  I’d been   were introduced and took the field. But
                                                                                raised fairly close to Cincinnati’s cen-  this  wonderful moment  was quickly
                                                                                ter, Jon grew up in a lovely, predomi-  spoiled  when a  couple  of rows be-
                                     Buying or Selling?                         nantly Jewish suburb called Amberlea   hind me, a group of Met rowdies got
                                 Call Realtor  David Weiman                     that  folks in my neighborhood con-   up  and  yelled,  “Send  these  farmers
                                                                                sidered a kind of residential Promised
                                    Residential Agent / Business Broker         Land. I told him that when our family   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
                                          moved to Sarasota 12 and a half years   Community Chaplain and Director of
                                      ago, we found a home in a subdivision   JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program  and

                                 Fluent in Hebrew. Active member of the         called  Amberlea,  and that when we   the Director of Spiritual  Services for
                                    Jewish Federation and Community.            moved in, I called friends in Cincinnati   Aviva - A Campus for Senior Life. His
           Call David                                                           to let them know I’d finally made it to   positions are underwritten by The Jew-
         941.404.5898                                                           Amberlea.                             ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.

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