Page 30 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 30
30A January 2021 COMMUNITY FOCUS
ADVERTORIAL Rabbi Ed Feinstein will serve as Temple Emanu-El’s
At home at Aviva with Bernice and Ellis Lasberg Scholar-in-Residence
By Gayle Guynup
ernice and Ellis Lasberg have they lived for about 15 years. bistro, and any social gatherings where has programming planned for morn-
made their home at Kobernick Five years ago in December, they we regularly would enjoy plays, mov- ing, afternoon and night. In addition
BHouse at Aviva - A Campus for moved into Aviva’s Kobernick resi- ies and speakers. Any public areas, in to those, she also has physical exercise
Senior Life for five years. And while dences. “I fell in love with Kobernick essence, were closed through the pan- programs – everything from sitting in
life has certainly changed during the very, very much,” Ellis said. “It is an demic. I have always felt very safe at your chair and stretching, to breathing
Covid-19 pandemic, they both are extremely warm place. The residents Kobernick. I believe they have done and balance exercises that are really
thankful that Aviva has kept them safe, here are so very cordial and friendly. everything they can to keep us safe. wonderful.”
protected and comfortable during this Everybody who lives here is here to Most of us observe all of the guide- “You don’t have to be bored.
difficult time. lines. For example, when we walk or I have read a book a week since this
The Lasbergs are originally from exercise, we stay on or near the cam- thing started. I don’t think I’ve read
Chappaqua, New York, a tiny town pus. Maybe we will walk up Honore this much in my entire life,” Ellis said.
that Ellis says nobody had ever heard or 17 Street, but we don’t stray too The Lasbergs are still learning the
of until the Clintons moved in. It is a far. Most of us recognize that if we go computer and Zoom, which allows
lovely community, he said, and was a out, we are exposing ourselves and our them to stay in touch with their son and
great place to bring up their two chil- neighbors to this terrible virus, so we daughter.
dren – one son, who now lives in Con- just don’t go.” “One of the residents,” Ellis said,
necticut, and one daughter who lives in Ellis added that they have their “has a current events program on
New York City. Bernice and Ellis lived groceries delivered, or Aviva will bring Zoom. It’s very well done. His name
in Chappaqua for 43 years. Ellis and Bernice Lasberg pre-selected meals to their door each is Joseph Newman, and he is our
Ellis was what he calls “unofficial- make friends and they make everybody day. “Right now, the trick is to play 107-year-old resident. His programs
ly retired” in the mid-1980s when they feel welcome. In addition, Aviva has by the rules and stay safe,” he said. “I are just marvelous.”
organized a new general contracting/ very strong management. They real- know management would love to open Some of the common areas are ac-
development company that included ly try to do everything they can for us. the dining room, the bistro and the cessible now, though with restrictions.
their son. Ellis worked with the compa- Bernice and I have a large two-bedroom Kretzmer Center, but right now that’s Residents can make reservations to
ny, based in Armonk, New York, until apartment, with beautiful views, and we just not going to work. We do have a visit the library, the fitness center and
he made his retirement official in 2001. are very comfortable here,” he said. life enrichment director, Maria Leon- pool (though with no more than two
His son continues with the business to- Ellis has been active in the com- ardo, though, who is fantastic. She has people at a time).
day. munity, setting up the Aviva Concert developed all sorts of programming for “Everything Aviva does, all the
Bernice began to have a very dif- Series, serving as past president of us to listen to, such as the old sitcoms current rules, are for our safety and se-
ficult time with the New York winters, the Resident Association and being – shows that she knows we will enjoy curity,” Ellis said. “I appreciate every-
so they decided to move to Florida, involved on the Cultural Committee. on our internal television network. She thing that Aviva does for us.”
and rented a friend’s condominium just Since Covid, Ellis has been serving as
outside of Stuart. “It was lovely. It was a member of the Resident Association 2021 a year to celebrate
right on the St. Lucie River, but all of and the LIFE & LEGACY™ Com-
the activities – the theater, the music – chatting with other residents, sharing 30 years of Temple Sinai
mittee. Bernice has always enjoyed
were happening on West Palm Beach,
which was a 45-minute drive away,” stories of their life in New York with By Julie Jelinek
Ellis said. “We really didn’t want to others from the Northeast, who, like here is so much to look forward experiences in different ways.
stay on the East Coast, and some of the Lasbergs, retreated to Sarasota for to at Temple Sinai in 2021. Another wonderful addition will
our friends told us that we would love some fun in the sun and found a warm TTemple Sinai will celebrate its be Sinaiversary to be held the first Erev
Sarasota,” he added. place to call home at Aviva. 30 year. For the past 30 years, the Shabbat Service of each month starting
They had a couple of friends in When the Coronavirus pandem- temple has remained a special place January 1, when we will honor a spe-
Sarasota – one lived at The Meadows ic hit earlier this year, life changed at of worship for families, friends and cial group of people at our virtual 30
Country Club and one lived at Univer- Aviva with new restrictions on travel, people looking for connections. The anniversary celebration kickoff.
sity Park – and they decided to come movement and group and public gath- temple’s doors have remained opened The most spectacular of all planned
down and try it. erings on campus. through many changes, and for that we virtual events to launch the 30 anni-
They rented for two years at The “I think they handled the whole celebrate. For all members, new and versary celebration will be the congre-
Meadows. Finally, the couple decided situation superbly,” Ellis said. “They established, this is a time to reflect and gant variety show on Saturday, January
they would look for a house in Sara- instituted certain restrictions in keep- appreciate our wonderful
sota, and wound up buying a home in ing with government and CDC guide- temple.
University Park Country Club, where lines. They closed the dining room, the We have been bless-
ed with outstanding cler-
gy as well as numerous
volunteers. Rabbi Saman-
tha Kahn, Chazzan Cliff
Abramson and Rabbi Geoff
Huntting have made Tem-
Your Local ple Sinai a warm and wel-
coming place with beautiful
Mortgage Lender and meaningful services
and an outstanding variety
of educational workshops. Chazzan Cliff Abramson, Rabbi Samantha Kahn,
Rabbi Geoff Huntting
■ Conventional, FHA, VA, and USDA Even in times of Covid-19 challenges, 30! This is one exciting and fun event
■ Construction/Renovation Loans Temple Sinai keeps everyone of every not to be missed. We at Temple Sinai
■ Jumbo Loans age engaged. will be celebrating so much this year,
■ Physician Loan Program Looking forward to 2021, there and we have proven that even in dark-
■ Custom Portfolio Loans will be congregant-led classes about ness, we have continued to shine.
■ Manufactured Home Loans cooking, decorating
and finances. There
Penny Hill Group will be a virtual
Scott Kolbe, Penny Hill, around-the-world
and Paul Eidel tour. At a time when
(941) 545-1275 so many people have missed traveling, cre-
Scott NMLS# 450453 ating bonds with fam-
Penny NMLS# 365464 ily and friends and
Paul NMLS# 1041466 just taking time away,
South State Bank and CenterState Bank, N.A. have merged this virtual travel tour
to become South State Bank, N.A. Corp. NMLS#403455.
Please visit to learn more. will allow us to have Temple Sinai Zoom Trivia Night