Page 34 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 34

34A                         January 2021                                                                   JEWISH INTEREST

     Aging Jewishly – What our traditions teach us about growing old

     From bad to worse – when seniors with hearing loss

     deal with masks

     By Rabbi Barbara Aiello
           he Covid-19 era has created  a   masks, but we don’t have matching   may hear nothing above a whisper.     Covid you experienced hearing chal-
           myriad of lifestyle changes for   masks.                                 When a mask covers the speaker’s   lenges,  be aware that  now it  is even  Political and Virus-Fighting “Tribe”
     Tseniors, among them the social          Lydia is now  shaking her head.   mouth, speech clarity suffers. The spo-  more important that you serve as your  It’s likely that you know a few of the
     isolation that results from limited con-  “It’s a match. Your mask and your hat.”   ken  word  becomes  muffled,  garbled   own  advocate.  That  means  asking  following persons are Jewish. But I am
     tact with others. So imagine how happy   Ruthie, still miffed, mutters, “OK,   and often distorted, creating misunder-  friends and family to speak more slow- quite certain that most will be new to
     Lydia was when she noticed that right   I put on a few pounds but stop saying   standings such as Ruthie’s confusing   ly and to repeat when you aren’t sure  you. For brevity’s sake, I am omitting
     in front of her in the grocery checkout   that I’m fat!”                   “hat” with “fat.”                     what was said.                    all or most of their biographies, which
                       line,  albeit  so-     Thanks to health professional and     Understanding what is said to us is   Remember that louder isn’t always  you can easily find online. As I write
                       cially  distant by   author Joy Stephenson-Laws, we learn   a process that combines facial expres-  better. Asking the speaker to use low- this (December 6), the following “tribe
                       six feet or more,   that Lydia’s and Ruthie’s dilemma    sions, smiles, frowns, quizzical contor-  er tones is often more effective. Carry  members”  have been announced as
                       stood Ruthie, one   is not unique. In her article  “How to   tions, mugging and even wrinkling the   a notebook and pen so that you can  nominees  for  cabinet-level  positions
                       of her very best   Overcome Boomer Hearing Challeng-     nose.  Ms.  Stephenson-Laws  reminds   ask the speaker to  write  the  question  in the Biden administration:  RON
                       friends.           es in a Masked World,” (Sixty and Me   us that “a facial  covering makes it   or comment, thus avoiding misun- KLAIN, 59, Chief of Staff; ANTONY
                           Of    course,  11/15/20),  Ms.  Stephenson-Laws  dis-  very difficult to detect and process the   derstanding. And if you wear hearing  BLINKEN,  58,  Secretary  of  State;
                       Lydia  was wear-   cusses hearing loss among seniors and   multitude of facial cues” … that give   aids,  Ms.  Stephenson-Laws  cautions  ALEJANDRO  MAYORKAS, 61,
                       ing   her   face   how these difficulties are exacerbated   speech “emotional context.”        that “using a mask with ties rather than  Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary
                       mask since  she    when masks cover both the speaker’s       Just like Lydia and Ruthie, it was   elastic or fixed ear loops will help you  (he is the Cuba-born son of a Sephar-
      Rabbi Barbara Aiello  wouldn’t venture   and the listener’s mouth.        almost impossible for Ruthie to discern   better fit your mask and reduce the risk  di father  and an  Ashkenazi mother);
     out without it. Ruthie had her mask on   Ms.  Stephenson-Laws  explains    what Lydia was trying to tell her, while   of the mask knocking your hearing aid  AVRIL  HAINES, 41, Director of
     as well. It boasted a three-layered flow-  that since 70% of seniors who are 70   Lydia  was frustrated  because  Ruthie   out of your ear.”       National Intelligence (her late mother
     er pattern that matched  the scarf that   years or older experience some degree   was obviously annoyed.             Speaking through a mask and un- was Jewish and she identifies as Jew-
     she had tied around her sun hat.     of hearing loss, the wearing of a facial   Apparently, mask wearing will be   derstanding what the “mask-er” has said  ish); and JANET YELLEN, 74, Sec-
        “Ruthie, Ruthie,” was Lydia’s muf-  mask can create special challenges for   with us for a while. If so, what can be   requires patience. Abigail Treu, writing  retary of the Treasury.
     fled cry. “Dahling, it’s been ages. And I   them in three main areas: volume, clar-  done to increase  communication  and   for  JTS  Torah  Online  (12/11/20),  re-  As I write this, the Covid-19 vac-
              Helping the Injured Since 1990
     must say that’s quite a hat!”        ity and process.                      comprehension  while our noses and    minds us that Jewish tradition empha- cines  developed  by  Pfizer  and  Mod-
        Ruthie squared her shoulders.         When Lydia met Ruthie in the su-  mouths  are  covered?  Ms.  Stephen-  sizes that “patience is one of the  key  erna are on the cusp of FDA approval
     “Lydia, you haven’t seen me in months   permarket, she began to speak with her   son-Laws  offers  suggestions  for  both   character traits we are to focus on in  for  distribution  to  the  public.  They
     and the first thing you say is that I look   friend in what was, most likely, her   the listener and the speaker.   our spiritual, ethical and emotional de- will almost certainly be the first Covid
     fat?”       308 Cocoanut Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236                            If you are the  speaker, speak as   velopment.” She says that “underneath  vaccines  given  in  the  United  States.
                                          normal  tone.  Specialists  have  deter-
 M. David Shapiro  toll free 1.800.954.4014 | office 941.954.4000 | fax 941.955.3632  clearly  as you can  and take  a pause   patience  lies  hope. In fact,  kivah in  The  CEO  of  Pfizer  is  DR. ALBERT
        While she tapped her head, Lydia
                                          mined that when the mouth is covered

 Board Certified Civil  strained to hear her friend. “It’s your   by a mask, the volume of the person   between  words and  phrases.  Avoid   Hebrew means both wait and hope.”  BOURLA,  59,  a  Sephardi  Jew  who
 Trial Attorney                                                                                                                                         was born, raised and trained (as a vet-
     hat. Hat on your head. It’s a nice match   speaking is diminished by as much as   having conversations  in noisy venues   While  we  wait  for the  pandemic
 Florida Supreme Court  with your mask.”  12 decibels. If Ruthie’s friend Lydia or   where a television or loud music com-  to dissipate and hope for a worldwide  erinarian) in Greece. Pfizer’s chief sci-
 Certified Mediator  5283 Office Park Boulevard, Bradenton, FL 34203                                                                                    entist is a Swedish Jew, DR. MIKAEL
        Ruthie responded, “Sure we wear   any speaker is soft-spoken, the listener   pete for the listener’s attention.  Find   cure, there are actions that we can take,
                               office 941.751.0555                                                      a quiet place to talk or, better yet, use   no matter how small,  that  will build
                                                                                your smartphone to take advantage of   bridges of understanding between us.
                                                                                texting. Writing your message will as-  Speaking  and  listening  will  help  us
                                                                                sure that your listener has understood,   stay connected, and although there
                                   M. David Shapiro
                                   M. Da       vid S     hapir       o          especially if the conversation includes   will be challenges – just ask Lydia and
                                                                                                                      Ruthie – our sages tell us that patience
                                                                                important dates, times and places.
                                                                                    Remember that body language and
                                   • •   B oar d C er tified Civil T rial A tt orney    gestures play a large part in completing   will see us through.
                                       Board Certified Civil Trial Attorney
                                                                                                                      Rabbi Barbara Aiello served the Avi-
                                   • •   Florida Supreme Court                  the loop of understanding.  Lean  for-  va Campus for Senior Life as resident
                                       lorida Supr
                                                  eme C
                                         tified Mediat
                                         Certified Mediator                     ward, shrug your shoulders, point and   rabbi for 10 years. She now lives and
                                                                                shake your head so that your listener   works in Italy where she is rabbi of
                                                                                has every opportunity to comprehend   Italy’s  first  Reconstructionist  syna-
                                   DS  hapir  o@G  etM  eJustic  e .c om        what you’ve said.                     gogue. Contact her at Rabbi@Rabbi
                                                       Helping the Injured Since 1990                       
                                                                                    If you are  the  listener, and pre-
                                                                                       Rabbi Barbara Aiello’s most popular
                                                                                     columns are now published in her new
                                                          308 Cocoanut Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236
                                                                                        book, Aging Jewishly, available on
       M. David Shapiro                        toll free 1.800.954.4014 | office 941.954.4000 | fax 941.955.3632
       Board Certified Civil                                                                Amazon. It makes a great gift!
       Trial Attorney                                                       BRADENTON
       Florida Supreme Court
                                                                                         we are
       Certified Mediator                             5283 Office Park Boulevard, Bradenton, FL 34203
                                                                           office 941.751.0555
              Helping the Injured Since 1990                                                      Educating Jewish Minds

                 308 Cocoanut Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236
 M. David Shapiro  toll free 1.800.954.4014 | office 941.954.4000 | fax 941.955.3632
 Board Certified Civil                                                                our Federation is dedicated to educating Jewish minds — from Holocaust and civil rights
 Trial Attorney                 BRADENTON                                           Yeducation to Israeli history and advocacy through our Heller CRC, to reaching young children
 Florida Supreme Court  5283 Office Park Boulevard, Bradenton, FL 34203             and their parents through PJ Library, to an array of adult education offerings.  We also take great
                                                                                    pride in educating the interfaith community on Jewish history and antisemitism.
 Certified Mediator
                               office 941.751.0555
                                                                                                               •   941.371.4546
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