Page 37 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 37

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                          January 2021                                   37A

 The New Orleans Klezmer All Stars –    K’zohar Ha-Ivrit

 a band with a difference!  Etz Tamar – Palm Tree                                     DID YOU

     By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin
 turing various jazz groups. It is a stroll   ard to believe, but Tu-Bishvat,   prophet Ezekiel mentions this town as   KNOW?
 down Orleans  Avenue with the band   the New Year of the Trees, is at   part of the border of the tribe of Gad
 seated  in the  back of an iconic  New  Hour door. In Israel, Tu-Bishvat   (Ezk. 27:19; 28:28).
 Orleans  mule-driven  carriage  while  marks the end of winter and the onset   Tomer, the tree itself, which was
 playing klezmer music.  of spring. The almond trees show their   tall and distinctive, was mentioned in
                                                                                                          of subscribing
 This is clearly a group that doesn’t  beautiful blossoms all over the land, as   the Bible as the tree under which Deb-  50% households
 take itself too seriously. A couple of   the trees wake up   orah, the prophetess and judge, was sit-
 their albums have hilarious names such   from their winter   ting when people came for arbitration   earn more than
 as “Mozeltov  Cocktail”  and  “Man-  repose.  and advice (Judges 4:2). Because of
 ichalfwitz.” In an interview, Jonathan   In honor of   its shape and strength, the word Tomer   $100,000/year
 Freilach  said he likes music that has   Tu-Bishvat, let us   was known not only as the name of a
 seven letters in it. (Klezmer). He says,   virtually  travel  tree, but also as a noun which meant
 “Without their audience  they would   south to the Israe-  ‘pillar’  and  ‘scarecrow.’  The  proph-  ACT NOW to reserve your space in upcoming
 just be another bar mitzvah band.”  li desert, known   et Jeremiah refers to the  Tomer  as a
 More information  about  klez-mer   as the Negev, and   symbol  of an  idol  when he dismiss-  editions of The Jewish News:
 music can be found in my earlier ar-  enjoy the  grace   ingly called it Tomer mik-sha, literally   ISSUE   DEADLINE
 ticle  entitled,  “As my grandmother   Dr. Rachel Dulin  of the palm trees,   ‘a scarecrow or pillar  in a cucumber
 would  say…Klezmer!  Oy  vey!  I  can  which beautify its landscape. Palms,   patch’ (Jer. 10:5).  FEBRUARY.................Jan. 4 , 2021
 hardly believe it!” (The Jewish News,  which produce dates, have grown in   Interestingly, despite its impor-  MARCH ......................Feb. 1, 2021
 May 2015)  the arid area of the ancient Near East,   tance  and beauty, the  Tamar  is men-  APRIL .........................Mar. 4, 2021
 Arlene Stolnitz, founder of the Sara- including  Israel, from time  immemo-  tioned  in only a couple  of Hebrew   MAY ...........................Apr. 2, 2021
 sota  Jewish  Chorale,  is  a  member of  rial.  Their  fruit  is  not  only  tasty  and   phrases. In the Song of Songs (7:8), we   JUNE ..........................May 3, 2021
 the Jewish Congregation of Venice. A  sweet, but it is high in nutritional value   find  the  lovely  description  of  the  be-
 retired educator from Rochester, New  and antioxidants, and it is an important   loved in the words Ko-ma-tekh dam-ta   JULY ...........................June 4, 2021
 York,  she  has sung in  choral  groups  source of food for the inhabitants of the   ka-Tamar, namely, ‘your stately form is
 for over  25 years and also sings in  desert.  like a Tamar.’ We should also mention
 The Venice  Chorale.  Her interest  in   The Hebrew word for palm tree is   that  Jeremiah’s words  Tomer mik-sha   Contact Adam Kaplan at
 the preservation of Jewish music of all  Etz Tamar, and a corresponding name   are used in modern Hebrew to mean
 kinds has led to this series of articles  to it is Tomer. Both names are derived   ‘unmoving’ or ‘staunch.’ Also, based   or 941.552.6307.
 on Jewish Folk Music in the Diaspora. from the verb  ta-ma-r, which means   on the  Tamar’s and  Tomer’s height
     ‘to be high.’ Tamar and Tomer appear   and  distinction,  we  find  the  modern   Download the Media Kit at
     26 times in the Bible. Tamar is men-  Hebrew noun  Tamrur, meaning  ‘sign
     tioned 22 times as a woman’s proper   post,’ ‘road sign’ and ‘traffic sign.’ And
     name, and twice as a name of a town.   the adjective  tamir, namely ‘tall’ and
     Tomer, on the other hand, is mentioned   ‘upright,’ is also a derivation of the tall   *Statistics compiled from a survey of our publication
                                                                                   by the Circulation Verification Council
     only twice in reference to the name of   Tamar tree.
     the  tree  itself.  Three  biblical  women   This  brings  us  to  the  end  of  our
     were named Tamar. First, Tamar was   short virtual trip in the Negev. Hope-
     the name of the wife of Er, who, after   fully, on Tu-Bishvat we can sit together   IN 2019,
     her husband’s death forced her father-   with family and friends and enjoy eat-
     in-law Judah to marry her (Gen. 38).   ing dates, the fruit of the Tamar, known   ANTISEMITISM
     Secondly,  Tamar  was the  name  of    in Hebrew as T’marim.
     David’s daughter  who was raped  by      Chag Sa-me-ach to us and to the       GREW BY
     her half-brother Am-non (II Sam 13).   trees.
     And thirdly,  Tamar’s brother  Av-sha-  Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor
                                                                                                                     according to the ADL’s
     lom called  his daughter  by the  same   of biblical  literature at Spertus Col-  12            %               ac c or ding t o  the ADL   ’ s
                                                                                                                     annual audit
                                                                                                                                         his is
     name (II Sam 14:27).                 lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct                                     annual audit. This is
 we  for you  was a town by the  name  of  Tamar   College in Sarasota.                                              the highest numb        er
        We should also mention that there
                                          professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
                                                                                                                     the highest number
                                                                                                                                d sinc
                                                                                                                     on record since 1979.
                                                                                                                     on r
                                                                                                                                        e 1979.
     on  the  southern  border  of  Israel. The
 because we CARE about you.  Israel, Bahrain sign
     historic tourism MOU
         erusalem,  December  3  – Israel’s   from both sides met to discuss practical
         Minister  of  Tourism,  Orit  Far-  plans and initiatives in the field of tour-
     Jkash-Hacohen,  and Bahrain’s        ism.” The MOU, the minister stressed,
 We believe your doctor should get to know you personally, have    Minister  of  Industry,  Commerce  &   provides the framework to turn ideas
 the flexibility to see you at any time, and commit to delivering    Tourism,  Zayed  Al  Zayani,  signed  a   into  plans  into  packages.  “Together,
     historic Memorandum of Understand-   we can  create  packages  for regional
 benefit-oriented care and advice tailored to your unique needs.                     What are we doing about it?
     ing (MOU) in the field of tourism as   tourism, offering tourists from Brazil,
     Israel  and Bahrain  continue to build   China or Australia or the Philippines to
 Discover how LernerCohen puts the CARE in Healthcare.    upon  the Abraham Accords  regional   visit both our countries.”  EDUCATION.

 Schedule a meet and greet to see if concierge care is right for you.  peace  initiative.  At the  ceremony  in   The MOU is the first of its kind be-
     Jerusalem, Al Zayani  said  he and  his   tween Israel and the Arab states in the   The  Robert and Esther Heller Community Relations  Committee takes
     delegation  were returning to Bahrain   Gulf. It includes a number of sections   a firm stand against antisemitism. We use community resources and influence to
     “with lots of hope and ambition that we   on bilateral  cooperation  between the   combat a rise in antisemitism and anti-Zionist sentiments, which often result in
     will forge the peace signed by our lead-  governments and the private sector in   aggressive acts and rhetoric against Jews. Through education, advocacy, and building
     ership, so it transmits to every Israeli   the field of tourism, and calls to devel-  relationships with the greater community and law enforcement, together we can
     and every Bahraini citizen.”         op various types of travel: for families,   combat hatred, bigotry, and harassment of Jews and other minorities.
        Farkash-Hacohen said the visit    wellness, business and others.  Addi-
 The Doctor Is In. Always.™  was “dedicated to bilateral profession-  tionally, the MOU establishes a joint   For more information contact Jessi Sheslow at 941.343.2109 or
     al meetings between  the two minis-  committee  headed  by the Ministers,
 941.953.9080   •  tries, to explore new opportunities and   which will meet regularly to promote
 1921 Waldemere Street, Suite 814   •   Sarasota, FL 34239  promote tourism initiatives  between   joint ventures among travel agents,
 Dr. Brad S. Lerner  |  Dr. Louis M. Cohen  |  Dr. James R. Cocco  |  Dr. Amy M. Roth  our countries. Airlines, hotel represen-  airlines, tour operators and all relevant
     tatives, travel agents and tour operators          continued on page 39A
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