Page 41 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 41

COMMENTARY                                                                               January 2021                                   41A

     A new look at Iran

     By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
            n Friday, November 27, Iran’s   Today,  Tehran  exports  only  about  a   site, which hosted Iranian delegates in
            top nuclear  scientist,  Mohsen   quarter  of  its  2.5  million  barrels  of   Syria and the headquarters of the sev-
     OFakhrizadeh, known as the fa-       oil a day, which costs the government     enth  division  of  Syria’s  armed  forces   some time. We wait and we watch for
     ther of the country’s nuclear program,   $50 billion in annual revenues. At the   responsible for the Golan Heights re-  further developments in what is be-
     was shot and killed, thus dealing a ma-  same time, Iran’s rial has lost 80% of   gion, was attacked.            coming an ever-so-changing Middle
     jor blow to Tehran’s atomic ambitions   its value against the dollar.          In the past, Iran has armed Houthi   East.
     and threatening  to increase tension     A separate problem facing Iran is   rebels in  Yemen, has armed Hezbol-  Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
     between Iran and its foes.                       that  the United Nations   lah forces and has continued to threat-  ing chair of the Robert and Esther
     This follows on the heels of                     Atomic Energy Commis-     en  Lebanon.  Given  Iran’s  economic   Heller Community Relations Commit-
     Sudan,  a  one-time  partner                     sion recently reported that   problems, it is more difficult for Iran   tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
     with Iran against Israel and                     Iran continues to build up   to keep responding to the needs of its
     its Middle East  policies,                       its  stockpile  of enriched   allies, thus lessening the positive influ- Crossword Puzzle
     joining  the  United  Arab                       uranium  and  now holds   ence of Iran in a variety of areas. This   Solution to puzzle on page 33A
     Emirates  (UAE) and  Bah-                        roughly  12 times  the    also means that the country’s influence
     rain  in  recognizing  Israel                    amount permitted under    in the area is diminishing.
     and establishing relations                       the 2015 nuclear agree-       The opportunity for investment by
     with the Jewish state.                           ment.  With the death     Israel in her newfound friends,  plus
        Iran’s Supreme Leader,                        of  Mohsen  Fakhrizadeh,   travel  between the countries by citi-
     Ayatollah  Ali  Khamenei,   Rabbi Howard A. Simon  Iran loses the manager   zens of each country, is beneficial for
     had threatened both the UAE and Bah-  of its weaponization  program and    all  concerned  and represents a  major
     rain over its association with Israel. He   the man who decided where to put   problem  for Iran. Iran will  not fade
     hoped such threats would deter other   people  and  how to  keep  the  program     from the scene, but if Israel’s outreach
     Middle Eastern countries from normal-  secret.                             to  other  Middle  Eastern  countries  is
     izing relations with Israel, but such is   While  these problems have esca-  greeted  with acceptance,  the  impor-
     not the case. Iran now must concern it-  lated,  the concerns for Iran deepened   tance of Iran in the area will be dimin-
     self with the possibility that other Mid-  because Israeli military struck Iranian   ished, which has been Israel’s goal for
     dle Eastern countries might join this   and Syrian military targets in Syria af-
     coalition.  The  reality  of  these  events   ter Iran-backed fighters placed impro-  What do you think?
     underscores the fact that Iran is losing   vised devices on the fence separating
     its control of the region.           Israel and Syria. In retaliation, Israeli
        Add  to  this  the  financial  reality   aircraft  struck targets, including  the   The Jewish News wants to know!
     facing  Iran, and the  country is seen   Iranian military headquarters near the
     to  have  additional  interior  problems.   Damascus airport.  A second military   Send an email to

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            We build bridges between people by visiting synagogues, churches and civic groups to make
              presentations about Israel, antisemitism and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement
                (BDS). In addition, we send clergy and community members on missions to Israel to
                  experience and learn about the land while forging friendships that deepen
                     and continue back home in Sarasota-Manatee.

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                                                        Robert and Esther Heller
                                                           CRC                        ^  Advocates through Government Affairs

                                                        COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE              ^  Remembers the Holocaust


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                                          Ambassadors ready and able to educate the community to

                                            better understand what antisemitism looks like and how
                                             to fight it alongside the Jewish community.

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               Jewish and non-Jewish communities
             and to advance common interests
           through education and advocacy.                                                             
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