Page 56 - Jewish News_January-2021
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8B                         January 2021                                                            JEWISH HAPPENINGS

              MONDAY, JANUARY 25                                                          SUNDAY, JANUARY 31


                  Exploring Opera: Sensational Seville                                  Temple Sinai Tu B’Shevat Drive-by Celebration
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                      Join the fun as Religious School teachers safely present crafts or snacks for
        Join popular San Francisco Bay Area opera instructor (and JCC colleague)    pickup outside the temple, 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Road, Sarasota (enter
        James Sokol virtually in the glorious capital of Andalusia, the setting of   from Proctor Road between Swift and Beneva Roads). There will be festive
        more than 100 operas! Of course, there’s Rossini’s famous The Barber        music and Rabbi Samantha Kahn will bless the participants. Snacks include
        of Seville with its sparkling vocal fireworks, but there are also works by   the  seven  species  of  Israel:  wheat,  barley,  grapes,  figs,  pomegranates,
        Bizet, Mozart, Verdi and others with equally beautiful music. See a few     olives and dates. This 10:00 a.m. event is hosted by Bethany Leinweber.
        of the works’ sites and bask in performance video clips of some of these    For more information, email
        musical masterpieces! To register for this event that takes place from 4:30
        to 6:00 p.m., visit For more information, contact Trudi                     “Jewish Geography”
        Krames at or 941.706.0037.                              This program is akin to the game we’ve all played when we meet new
                                                                                    people. If you have ever heard about the phrase “six degrees of separation,”
                                                                                    you know that someone always has a connection to you through a friend,
           WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27
           WEDNESD          A Y ,   JANU   AR   Y  2 7                              relative or acquaintance. It will be exciting to see how many connections
                                                                                    we can find among the people who attend the activity. The event begins
                                                                                    at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom. Fill out the form on for
              Free Day at The Florida Holocaust Museum                              the password. No cost, but donations are always appreciated. For more
        Visit The Florida Holocaust Museum (55 5th St. S., St. Petersburg) for free   information, call the Temple Beth Sholom office at 941.955.8121 or email
        on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Pre-purchased timed tick-
        ets are required due to the museum’s Covid social-distancing protocols.
        Reserve your free timed ticket at
          “Imagination as Resistance During the Holocaust”                          THE
        On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Temple Emanu-El’s Adult             Courtyard
        Education Committee presents Dr. Racelle Weiman’s talk on “Imagina-
        tion as Resistance During the Holocaust.” Dr. Weiman shares astonishing   AT MICHAEL’S ON EAST
        accounts of creative acts of resistance and survival through the use of a
        secret weapon: imagination. She personally researched and interviewed     Safe, socially-distant, outdoor dining
                                                                                  is NOW available Tuesday-Saturday!
        these inspiring people who impacted the course of history, science and
        theology. Dr. Weiman is an international scholar in interreligious dialogue,    RESERVE ONLINE
        post-Holocaust theology, genocide prevention and minority studies. This
        free event begins at 10:30 a.m. on Zoom. Please register at sarasotatemple.
        org or call 941.371.2788 to receive the Zoom link.

              The Shaltiel Family Saga with Isaac Azerad
        The Shaltiels trace their roots to the House of David while 20  century         SAVE THE DATE 1.9.22
        branches of the clan extend through a dozen nations and include members
        of the British aristocracy. The rise and fall and rise again of the Shaltiels
        over the centuries parallels two millennia of Jewish history. The family       TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM                AZI!
        boasts some fascinating military leaders in the tradition of King David,       PRESENT S
        including American Civil War hero Emmanuel Shaltiel and Israeli Gen-
        eral  David  Shaltiel,  Jerusalem’s  first  commander  after  independence.
        The  presentation  begins  at  2:30  p.m.  via  Zoom.  Fill  out  the  form  on     Park Avenue Synagogue  for  the  password.  No  cost,  but  donations  are     Cantor Azi Schwartz returns
        always appreciated. For more information, call the Temple Beth Sholom        by popular demand to the
        office at 941.955.8121 or email                 Sarasota Opera House.
                                                                                     He will be joined by
                                                                                     Cantor Rachel Brook
            THURSDAY, JANUARY 28
            THURSD         A Y ,   JANU   AR  Y   2 8                                for a spectacular
                                                                                     evening of song.
                       Women’s Virtual Torah & Tea

        A women’s Torah & Tea led by Sara Steinmetz will be held via Zoom at
        7:30 p.m. The class will include many insights about Tu B’Shevat, and
        will be followed by sharing ideas for fruit desserts. All are welcome to
        this free Chabad of Sarasota event. For the Zoom link, RSVP to sara@

            SA   TURD     A Y ,   JANU   AR   Y  3 0
            SATURDAY, JANUARY 30

                    Temple Sinai Virtual Variety Show
        This  virtual  evening  of  fun  and  festive  activities  with  Rabbi  Samantha   CELEBRATION IN SONG
        Kahn  and  Chazzan  Cliff Abramson  will  jump-start Temple  Sinai’s  30 th
        anniversary celebration. Temple members will submit videos showcasing        “AZI” sold out in 2020, so watch for the date when tickets will be on sale
                                                                                            at the Opera House. Sponsorships are available NOW by
        their talents, and we’ll watch them during the 7:00 p.m. event on Zoom.                 contacting Temple Beth Sholom at 941.955.8121.
        Elana Margolis is coordinating the event and may be contacted for more
        information at                                                 Edie Chaifetz   •   Fran Cohen  •   Saranee Newman
                                                                                                                           MEDIA PARTNER
      Stay informed throughout the month. Sign up
      for our community Enewsletter at

          The Jewish News is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers,
                    committed advertisers and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
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