Page 3 - Jewish News _August 2021_
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                            August 2021                                    3A

     Howard Tevlowitz...continued from page 2A
 FEDERATION BOARD PRESIDENTS  a visionary and continued building that   money was.)        Coldwell Banker is Proud to Announce
 UNDER HOWARD’S TENURE:  agency. Aviva was different because it   The Federation went to organiza-     The Ackerman Group
 2001-2002 Howard Markus*   was a very big business, and our im-  tions frequented by the Jewish commu-                                     ®     *
 2003 Allan Feder*   pact  on them  was much  smaller. The   nity,  including  the  Van Wezel, Asolo        • RANKED #25 SMALL REAL ESTATE TEAM BY REAL TRENDS   2021
 2004-2006 Rhea Hughes   JCC was not happy with our changes,   Repertory Theatre, Florida Studio The-              TOP 1.5% OF 1.46 MILLION REALTORS
 2006-2008 Dr. Lewis Hanan   and they did not respond proactively to   atre  (FST) and  The Perlman  Music         • RANKED #8 COLDWELL BANKER SMALL TEAM IN NORTH AMERICA
 2008-2009 Judy Weinstein   the direction we were going. They un-  Program/Suncoast,  among  others,”
 2010-2011 Nelle Miller   fortunately did not pay attention to the   Howard explained.
 2012-2013 Nancy Swart   financial side of the organization, and
 2014-2016 Patti Wertheimer   as a result, eventually had to close.
 2017-2019 Michael Ritter   “Dr. Lew  Hanan was here when
 2020-2021 Randon Carvel   the JCC collapsed. He made a promise
 *of blessed memory  to the community that we would keep                                                   CALL US FOR ALL YOUR
 year strategic plan process to actually                                                                     REAL ESTATE NEEDS!
 change the way we operate.”
 Creating a plan                                                                                      Ryan Ackerman    Barbara Ackerman
 By 2004, the organization  had an                                                                    941.387.1818              941.387.1820
 agreed-upon plan, and had begun im-                                               Contributing to the prosperity of our Jewish Community since 1979!
 plementing that plan. At that point, the     Howard Tevlowitz and Kate Alexander,              
 organization supported three agencies:    Associate Dir. At Large, Florida Studio Theatre                                       *Based on Volume Sales for Small Teams in Florida
 Flanzer  JCC, Jewish Family  & Chil-         “We realized  we could not force
 dren’s Service (later JFCS of the Sun-   consumers to do what we wanted. In-
 coast) and the Jewish Housing Council    stead, we needed to understand con-
 (now Aviva Senior Living).               sumers  and  react  to  the  way  they
 Over a three-year period, the Fed-  Former Board President Dr. Lew Hanan   consume. That meant our whole finan-
 eration moved from allocations to di-  with Howard Tevlowitz  cial model had to change, including
 rected funding. “We no longer wanted  moving forward – which we did. There   how we granted money.”
 to give these organizations funds ‘just  were a lot of unhappy people. But Lew   Today (according to the most re-
 because,’ but instead wanted to instill  and our leadership stuck to their guns   cent population  study conducted  in
 some accountability  into our giving.  and set everything in motion,” Howard   2019), 84% of the Sarasota-Manatee
 There had been no mutual understand-said. “Our early  leaders  were vision-  Jewish  population  is  still  unaffiliated
 ing of what these organizations were  aries and really cared about the future   with a particular  synagogue. “Jews
 trying to do. It wasn’t that it was bad,  of this organization. It wasn’t just the   don’t necessarily define themselves as
 but some of it did not jive with the di-leaders at the top. It was the lay leaders   a religion,” Howard said. “They define
 rection we were taking,” Howard said.  and staff who put their blood and guts   themselves as a people, and there is an
 “Believe  me, you don’t make friends  into this every day to make it happen.   important difference between the two.
 when you do that.”  Success doesn’t just happen because   The Jewish identity  is connected  to
 Each agency responded differently  you will it  to  happen.  It happens be-  peoplehood and to land. It is more of a
 to the changes.  cause people buy in to what you’re   mentality than a religion,” he said.
 “JFCS had Rose Chapman. Rose is  selling – and hopefully they don’t fire   “When I came here, I really didn’t
 continued on page 3A you in the meantime,” he said.  understand all  of the tumult  that  I
     Going where the people are           would create in the community, all the
     “My first year here we finished a pop-  anger. But at the end of the day, it all
     ulation study and found that Sarasota-   boiled down to understanding the con-
     Manatee  was a  highly  disengaged   sumer and understanding the difference
     community – meaning most Jews were     between religion and peoplehood. That
     THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE              is what drives us here – not worrying
     HOWARD TEVLOWITZ:                    about a label that somebody else put on
     Kim Adler:                           them or they put on themselves, but be-
     Visionary. Dedicated. Compassionate.  ing open and wanting to engage.”
     Rich Bergman:                        Collaborations
                                                                                                             Every woman
     Visionary. Knowledgeable. Caring.    Howard began meeting with different                                E ver       y woman
     Randon Carvel:                       people and organizations in town. “It
                                                                                                             matters here.
     Passionate. Creative. Tenacious.     was all about building relationships. It
     Rose Chapman:                        was so wonderful to work with these                                matters here.
     Community. Collaborator. Committed.  different  organizations  and  develop    WOMEN’S GIVING CIRCLE
     Bob and Esther Heller:               programs to meet our mutual goals.      The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee  The Women’s Giving Circle [ “Ma’agal
     Brilliant. Tireless. Talented.       For example, with FST, the Asolo and                              Nashim”] is a giving circle that empowers
     Rev. Dr. Chaplain Tom Pfaff:         the Van Wezel, we would sponsor pro-
     Humble. Friend. Servant of the Jewish   grams that had a Jewish element to                            women as funders, decision makers and
     community.                           them. It was all about achieving  our                          agents of change. Each member contributes
     Jennifer Rominiecki:                 mutual missions,” he said. One of the                      $518, and each has an equal voice in directing
     Open-minded. Forward-thinking.       biggest collaborations was with Selby     our funds. The giving circle model multiplies individual actions,
     Collaborative.                       Gardens. “I met with Selby Gardens’       creating a tremendous collective impact.
     Rabbi Michael Shefrin:               CEO, Jennifer Rominiecki. She had a
     Dedicated. Mensch. Friend.           great idea of bringing in a Chagall ex-   In the last seven years, we have distributed more than $307,000
     Inna Sideman:                        hibit and we were the main underwriter    in grants to nonprofits in Israel that help women and children of
     Nonconformist. Visionary. Caring.    of that event.”                           all backgrounds live safer, healthier and more meaningful lives.
     Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz:                   The list of organizations and                                   Our Mission
     Honest. Straightforward.             events that the Federation supports has
     Patti Wertheimer:                    grown and changed over the years. It                                To enhance the lives of Jewish women
     Passionate. Visionary. Dedicated.    was based  on looking  for opportu-                                 and children who are in need of help
     unaffiliated  with  a  particular  syna-  nities within the arts, education  and                         and live in Israel.
     gogue. So, we set out on a path that I   faith  communities,  where  the  Jewish
     call the ‘Willie Sutton method of com-  community was already involved. “We
     munity  development’ – going where   learned by listening,” Howard said.
     the  people  were.”  (Willie  Sutton  was   “For example,  we gave  Embrac-
     a famous bank robber who robbed      ing  Our  Differences  its  initial  home.
     banks because that  was where the                   continued on page 4A
      Please see pages 24A-25A for a montage

         of our fearless leader over the years.                                    QUESTIONS? Contact Jeremy Lisitza at 941.343.2113 or
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