Page 6 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 6

6A                         August 2021                                                                  FEDERATION NEWS

                                                                                Howard Tevlowitz...continued from page 5A
                                                                                of the Jewish community. “They built   behind us, I will be able to do every-
                                                                                this place,” Howard said. “We would   thing like a normal person again. We
                                                                                not be here if it weren’t for them.”  have our first grandchild in Cleveland.
                                                                                    “The opening of the new campus    We’ll get to see him. And we have a
                                                                                is going to be extremely exciting,” he
                                                                                added. “You always have to understand
                                                                                from whence you came and have a vi-
                                                                                sion for where you are going. You have
                                                                                to  understand  that  while  you  may  be
                  Around the World
                                                                                working from the shoulders of giants,
                  Around the World                                              Looking ahead
           Synagogues                                                           you always need to stay focused on the
                                                                                “My legacy here is being fearless and
                                                                                managing all of this change. Looking
                                                                                back, I can’t believe some of the things
                                                                                I did. I was lucky. I had leadership that
                                                                                supported me, and we had the staff to
                                                                                make it happen,” he said.
                                                                                    Howard has no regrets,  but says
         EACH                                                                   it  is going to feel  very good to let
         THURSDAY                                                               someone else take it from here. “The

                                                                                community relations work. Getting to     Howard is looking forward to doing a lot
         IN AUGUST                                                              know the people and their abilities is       of fishing in the coming days
         Virtually visit four magnificent Synagogues Around the                 what I am going to miss the most. It’s   real vacation planned for Israel in Oc-
         World with professional tour guides in each city. This series          been a lot of fun raising the amount of   tober,” he said. “Then, we’ll see. When
         is only $36 per household! If you are unable to attend a               money we have raised, and building    the sun comes up, we’ll see what each
                                                                                the leadership we have built. It has
                                                                                                                      day holds.”
         session, the link will be sent to you the following day.               been an amazing 21-year ride.”        Shep Englander will take over as CEO
                                                                                    As for the future? “We’re staying   of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
           ISTANBUL                            To register, please visit        here. I love it here. With Covid nearly   Manatee on September 1, 2021.



                                         August 5, 2021

                                         Noon EST

                                         With tour guide
                                         Mois Gabay



                                         August 12, 2021
                                         Noon EST

                                         With tour guide
                                         Evgenia Kempinski
                                                                                                   We will miss you! (Bryna and Howard Tevlowitz)

                                         Thursday,                                 Why WE belong

                                         August 19, 2021

                                         Noon EST                                  Having experienced our
                                         With tour guide                           Federation’s evolution over

                                         Dekel Peretz                              the years, we look forward
                                                                                   with pride and positive
       MEXICO CITY                                                                 anticipation for the future!

                                                                                   Patti and David Wertheimer

                                         August 26, 2021

                                         Noon EST
                                         With tour guide
                                         Mónica Unikel-Fasja


       Contact Jeremy Lisitza
       or 941. 343.2113
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