Page 48 - Jewish News | November 2021
P. 48

16B                         November 2021                                                              COMMUNITY FOCUS

     Cantor Marci Vitkus celebrates 20 years

     at the Jewish Congregation of Venice

     By Cynthia Greene
          he came, she saw, she conquered.   and the ropes of being a cantor from   a Notary Public to be able to officiate   says that Cantor Marci is “the glue that
          Cantor Marci Vitkus has been a   her affiliation with the Women Cantors’   at Jewish and interfaith  weddings in   holds the congregation  together. She
     Sdriving force at the Jewish Con-    Network. She now serves as Executive   Florida  and  has performed  over  200   very seldom says no because she is to-
     gregation of Venice (JCV) since she ar-  Vice  President of this amazing  orga-  weddings. She is sought after by con-  tally committed to the JCV.”
     rived in October 2001. Although she is   nization. She also credits her study in   gregants to perform their  life cycle   When  asked  to  summarize  her
     descended from 17 generations of can-  the Melton program, under the tutelage   events.                          feelings after 20 years at the JCV,
     tors, joining their ranks was not in her   of Jennifer Singer, Sue Huntting and   Kreiss calls her the “most talented   this beloved spiritual leader says that
     sights when she and her husband Andy                                       five-foot female I know.” He goes on to   “when you start a job you have no idea
     moved to Sarasota from the Chicago                                         say, “She is the heartbeat of the temple.   how long it will last. What has kept me
     suburbs 28 years ago.                                                      She’s bright, she’s young, she gives us   here is simple. I love going to work. I
        Armed with a teaching degree, she                                       the vitality  we need, she takes some   realize what a blessing it is to feel that
     landed a job at Beth Israel Day School                                     of the stiffness out of the service, she   way. The other reason I stay is because
     in Sarasota, where she worked until she                                    makes you want to join in.”           the JCV has become my family. They
     and Andy  decided  to  open  their  own                                        These sentiments  are echoed  by   support me, I support them. We have  Why a Bereavement
     preschool for children ages six months                                     JCV President Harvey Cohen, who       created a mutual partnership!”
     to four and a half years. They worked                                    CULTURE            MUSIC           CULTURE           SHABBAT              Support Group?
                                                                                                       ELDERLY SERVICES
     tirelessly, but after six years, she was                    BRADENTON         FAMILY                                                     SOCIAL
     ready to take on a new challenge.                                                             YOUTH                     HADASSAH                           ltimately, a Bereavement Sup-
        She was involved in musical the-                             VENICE                                                                    SHABBAT          port Group is about  personal
     ater  and  joined  the  Sarasota  Jewish                          CHEVRA KADISHA                        CULTURE     MOHEL                          Ugrowth and community. All of
     Chorale, which turned out to be a                                                         KOSHER                             CAMP                  us sustain losses. Sometimes they in-
     life-changing move. Joel Kreiss, a past         Cantor Marci Vitkus         SENIORS            HOLOCAUST                        CEMETERIES         volve loved ones, while at other times
     president of the JCV, was  director of   Marden Paru (of blessed memory), as                        LONGBOAT KEY                                   they deal with the loss of a profession-
     the group, and he was impressed by her   a formative experience in her journey.   YOUTH GROUP                                   MUSIC            CULTURE
                                                                                                                                                        al position, marriage,  friendship or
     personality and voice. The JCV needed    The rest is history – a 20-year his-  YOUNG ADULTS   N G F   O  R S  O  M  E T H  I N G J  E W   I S H ?
                                                                                        LOOKING FOR SOMETHING JEWISH? physical capacity. The loss of faith and
     a cantor and he asked her to try out for   tory  of  love,  learning,  teaching  and                VENICE                             ELDERLY SERVICES
                                                                                                            CHEVRA KADISHA
                                                                                                                                                        self-confidence  may  also  be  encoun-
     the position.                        singing.                                  JUDAICA   FOOD        FIND IT IN THE DIRECTORY                      tered  during
        Marci knew very little about Jew-     Marci rapidly assumed more tasks                                          EDUCATION different  chapters  of  our
                                                                                     SUMMER CAMP
     ish  music  except  for  what  she  heard   in  her  new  position,  including  teach-  HILLEL                         CULTURE                         Though the passing of a loved one
     growing up with a father who was a   ing Sunday School and coaching Bar                        SARASOTA                            MOHEL
     cantor, but she managed  to get  hired   and Bat Mitzvah students. She makes       TEEN                  KOSHER                           CAMP is in a category of its own, the dynam-
                                                                                                                                                        ics associated with all losses are often
     for the position. She studied diligently   hospital  visits, directs  the JCV choir,       SENIORS                  NORTH PORT               SOCIAL
                                                                                                                                                        quite  similar. The ability  to negotiate
     with her father Joel, Cantor Diane Na-  leads a weekly women’s group called   SHABBAT   YOUTH GROUP                               ARTS       FAMILY
                                                                                                                                                        them is a major aspect of human de-
     thanson and her mentor, Cantor Phyllis   Kol Isha (the woman’s voice) and is in-          CHEVRA KADISHA       BRADENTON                           velopment.
     Stoltz. She learned the sacred music   volved in the community. She became   TEMPLE           JUDAICA         FOOD        EDUCATION         SHABBAT    A Bereavement Support Group
                                                                                                                                                        isn’t intended to only consider the loss
                                                                                                                                                        of a loved one, but loss in and of itself.
                                                                                    “These we honor”
                                                                                                          SUMMER CAMP
                                                                MUSIC           CULTURE               HILLEL                           MUSIC        MUSIC
                                                                                                                                                        In providing the chance to explore loss
                                                                                                                                                        in several dimensions, it engenders
                                                                                            Your Tributes
                                                                                   ANNUAL CAMPAIGN                    HOWARD TEVLOWITZ
                                                                                  IN MEMORY OF                         ENDOWMENT FUND
                                                                                  Marden Paru                        IN MEMORY OF
                                                                                  Jeremy Lisitza                     Marden Paru
                                                                                  Merlyn Steinhart                   Bryna and Howard Tevlowitz
                                                                                  Ilene and Michael Fox              Merlyn Steinhart
                                                                                  Dvora and David Millstone
                                                                                                                     Bryna and Howard Tevlowitz
                                                                                    CAMP MARCI LYNN                                SKIP
                                                                                         PROGRAMS                     (Send-A-Kid-To-Israel)
                                                                                  IN MEMORY OF                       IN MEMORY OF
                                                                                  Scott Pintchuck                    Sheila Goldblatt
                                                                                  Patti and David Wertheimer         Roberta Berson and Frank Tucciarone
       THE GREAT AMERICAN                      BUY TICKETS                          CAMP MARCI LYNN                     STEP (Shapiro Teen
       TRAILER PARK                            OCT 29-NOV 28                      IN MEMORY OF                          Engagement Fund)

        MUSICAL                                The Great American                 Merlyn Steinhart                   IN MEMORY OF
                                                                                                                     Scott Pintchuck
                                               Trailer Park Musical.
                                                                                  Kim and Jon Adler
                                                                                                                     Kim Adler
                                               Check out our entire 2021-2022
                                               season at               HELLER CRC                  Merlyn Steinhart
                                                                                                                     Nancy Wolk and Michael Ritter
                                                                                  IN MEMORY OF
                                                                                  Marden Paru                                NOTE: To be publicly
                                                                                  Steven Kalt
                                                                                                                      acknowledged in The Jewish News,
                                                                                         HOLOCAUST                     Honor Cards require a minimum

                                                                                         PROGRAMS                        $10 contribution per listing.
                                                                                  IN MEMORY OF                         You can send Honor Cards directly
                                                       Trude Bennett                           from For more

                                               941.488.1115 | 140 Tampa Ave. W.   Meryl and Neil Schram                information, call 941.371.4546.
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