Page 53 - Jewish News | November 2021
P. 53

FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                       November 2021                                      21B

 Education opens doors to a brighter future

       A program of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, PJ Library & PJ
       Our Way engages children between birth and age 12, and their families, with
       books and activities that enhance their Jewish journey. Throughout the year,
       families gather for story times and other special programs where they can
       socialize and meet new friends. PJ is for any family raising Jewish children –
       affiliated, unaffiliated, interfaith or non-traditional. The program is completely
       free for families, thanks to the generosity of The Harold Grinspoon Founda-                                            from
       tion, Edie and David Chaifetz, the Federation and other generous donors.                                           Jessi & MG
     Eight bright lights

     By MG Berman, PJ Community Connector                                                              We are so thankful

           hanukah comes and goes each    time to find more oil. To that we say,                    for our PJ families and
           year, we say prayers and light   as the letters on the dreidel state, “Nes              PJ Advisory Committee.
     Ccandles, and many of us enjoy       gadol  ha-ya  shom,”  “A great  miracle                        Because of YOU,
     sharing in the giving and receiving of   happened there!” Now, each year, we
     gifts. But what does it all mean? Why   continue burning the Chanukiah, light-                     our jobs are a joy.
     do we continue to celebrate each year?   ing a candle  each night, from one to                Thank you for being part
     What makes this non-religious, rather,   eight  respectively,  to  remember  this
     symbolic holiday special?            miracle.                                                       of this incredible
        Chanukah  will  be  celebrated  this   On the first night of Chanukah, we                   PJ Library community!
     year from sundown Sunday, Novem-     say three blessings while on all other
                      ber 28 to sundown   nights we say two. On the first night we                              #PJSRQ
                      Monday, Decem-      first bless the candles, then say the spe-
                      ber 6. Each  night   cific blessing for the holiday of Cha-
                      we will add a can-  nukah and lastly the blessing of thanks                               SARASOTA-MANATEE
                      dle and watch in    for reaching this special occasion, the
                      amazement  as the   Shehecheyanu. These blessings help us
                      fire burns the wax   remember the importance of the holi-     Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs
                                                                                           into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.
                      down. Chanukah      day – the miracle that happened there
                      means “dedication”   and the success in securing religious                           ~William Arthur Ward
        MG Berman     in Hebrew and be-   freedom.
     gins on the 25  of the Hebrew month      Everyone may celebrate  the holi-
     of Kislev.                           day differently, but we all celebrate it
        We celebrate Chanukah to remind   with joy. Children enjoy playing with
     us of the rededication during the sec-  dreidels and eating chocolate gelt. Of
     ond century BCE of the Second Tem-   course, food is an important part of the
     ple in Jerusalem.  The legend is of   Chanukah celebrations. They may not
     the Jews, or Maccabees, who rose up   be heart-healthy, but many families
     against the Greek Syrian oppressors   commemorate the holiday with foods
     in the Maccabean Revolt for the abil-  fried in oil, such as potato latkes (pan-
     ity to practice Judaism freely. After a   cakes) and  sufganiyot (jelly donuts).
     fight using guerilla warfare tactics, the   We  come  together  to  remember  the
     Jews won and began cleansing and re-  bravery of the Maccabees who fought
     building the Second Temple. The gold   for religious freedom and the miracle
     menorah (candelabra), whose branches   of the oil lasting eight brilliant nights.
     represented knowledge and creation,      Chag Sameach, Happy Chanukah,
     designed to burn every night, had only   from your Sarasota-Manatee PJ Library
     enough oil to burn flames for one night.   Family!
     The Jews witnessed a miracle as the ol-  For more information about PJ Li-
     ive oil for the candles kept flickering   brary, visit or contact me
     for eight nights, giving them enough   at               READ—GATHER—GROW

              we are  FED                                                             PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                      to  provide  families  raising  Jewish  children with  the  gift of  free, high-quality
                                                                                      children’s books, music, and resources that foster deeper engagement with
                                                                                      Jewish life in our community.
                                                                                                   Join one of our PJ programs below
                                                                                            to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.
                       Educating Jewish Minds                                          Children 6 mo. - 8 yrs.            Children 8 - 12

                                                                                               Sign-up at                    Sign-up at
          our Federation is dedicated to educating Jewish minds — from Holocaust and civil rights
        Yeducation to Israeli history and advocacy through our Heller CRC, to reaching young children
        and their parents through PJ Library, to an array of adult education offerings.  We also take great   For more information, contact
        pride in educating the interfaith community on Jewish history and antisemitism.
                                                                                      Jessi Sheslow
                                    •   941.371.4546             941.343.2109
                                                                                                      PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously
                                                                                                      funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.
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