Page 5 - Jewish News | November 2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                      November 2021                                        5A

                                          Sharon Geller...continued from previous page
                                          recently shot a national TV commercial   four more times to appear on SNL, and   Jewish  comediennes.  It  dates  all  the
                                          for Colonial Penn Life Insurance, the   each one was just as thrilling.     way  back  to  those  rabbis  in  ancient
                                          day before the Covid lockdown. Talk       “On another occasion, right before   times who would tell jokes before they
                                          about timing! What a blessing that was.   9/11,  Cuba  Gooding  Jr.  was  in  New   would lecture their rabbinical students
                Established 1971          I also teach comedy and improv at the   York to promote a new movie, and one   on  serious  Torah-related  topics.  They
                 PUBLISHER                Walnut Street Theatre, which I think is   of the segments in the movie involved   would  open  with  a  joke.  Even  back
     The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee  the country’s oldest theatre school.”  a  busload  of  Lucy  impersonators.  So   then, the rabbis understood that humor
           The Larry & Mary Greenspon         Sharon also teaches improv classes   the folks at the Today show decided to   would uplift their students and open
          Family Campus for Jewish Life   to neuroscientists at the University of   do  this  great  segment  with Al  Roker   their  hearts  and minds  to learning,”
           Klingenstein Jewish Center     Pennsylvania.  “I  teach  them  improv,   and five Lucy impersonators sprinkled   said Sharon.
              580 McIntosh Road
            Sarasota, FL 34232-1959       which  basically  means  good  com-   throughout the audience. I was one of     “Ten years ago, an orthodox syn-
              Phone: 941.371.4546         munication  skills.  All  of  those  skills   those impersonators. And we all sang   agogue asked me to address its mem-
               Fax: 941.378.2947          that made Tina Fey and Amy Poehler    Lucy’s famous theme song.”            bership dinner. It was my sister who
         E-mail:   famous  are  really  just  great  commu-  For the  last  10-12 years,  Sharon   suggested  I  focus  on  Jewish  humor,
           Website:       nication  skills  that  teach  you  how  to   has been in the national touring com-  and  that  led  to  the  creation  of  this
             Published Monthly            think  on  your  feet  and  think  outside   pany of the off-Broadway hit, Old Jews   show.  It’s  a  combination  of  stories
            Volume 51, Number 10          of the box. Improv also develops your   Telling  Jokes, a tribute  or homage to   from the Talmud and the Torah, along
               November 2021              self-confidence.”                     our Jewish comedic traditions, dating   with a tribute to Molly Goldberg, the
                  56 pages                    Sharon was hired as artistic direc-  back  to  the  Borscht  Belt.  It’s  like  a   first woman to win an Emmy Award (in
             USPS Permit No. 167          tor at Temple University’s Full Circle   vaudeville show, in a way, with funny   1951) for her sitcom, The Goldbergs. I
       December 2021 Issue Deadlines:     Intergenerational  Theatre,  a group of   songs and funny jokes.            intersperse that with stories and jokes,
           Editorial: October 29, 2021    50 actors ranging in age from 18-93. “I   “I  love  everything  that  I  do.  But   and have added a tribute to Ruth Bader
         Advertising: November 1, 2021    would train them in improv skills and   nothing is more invigorating than tell-  Ginsburg. It’s a lot of fun. Audiences
            CHANGE OF ADDRESS:            then we would go out in the communi-  ing a funny joke or story and hearing   really enjoy it,” Sharon said.
      Inquiries can be sent to Bonnie Souther   ty and do improv shows,” Sharon said.   500 people laugh and applaud at the   Collaborating  on this event with
             or call 941.371.4546 x0      “I love teaching. It’s very close to per-  same time. I have missed that so much   The  Jewish Federation  of Sarasota-
                                          forming, and I always learn something   since Covid began,” Sharon said.    Manatee  are  Tampa  JCCs and Fed-
      PRESIDENT                           from my students,” she said.              She  looks  forward  to  performing   eration, the Jewish Federation of Lee
      Randon Carvel                           Just over 10 years ago, Sharon     “Knock. Knock Jews there? A Talmu-   and Charlotte Counties, and The Roth
                                          attended a workshop with the casting   dic Take  on  Comedy”  for  the  Jewish   Family JCC of Greater Orlando.
      Shep Englander                      director of Saturday Night Live. After   Federations. “It is all about where our   To  register,  go  to
                                          the workshop was over, students were   sense  of  humor  comes  from  as  Jews,   events. For more information, contact
      SENIOR DIRECTOR OF                  given the opportunity to audition. “Who   and why there are so  many funny    Jeremy Lisitza at
      COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING          didn’t want to be on SNL? I did a mono-
      Marty Katz                          logue, and when I was done, the casting
                                          director and I struck up a conversation.
      MANAGING EDITOR                     I was shocked when, a couple of days                          L’Chayim
      Ted Epstein
                                          later, at 11:00 p.m. on a Friday night,
      ADVERTISING SALES                   my phone rang and I saw it was a 212
      Adam Kaplan – 941.552.6307          area code. I just knew it was NBC. He
                                          got on the line and said, ‘Hey, we just
      PROOFREADERS                        got done writing the opening sketch for
      Edward D. Cohen, Rhonda Kaplan,     tomorrow night’s show and I wanted to        Here’s “to Life” on the Gulf Coast
      Elliot Ofsowitz, Jeff Sherman,      know if you wanted to be in it.’ Believe
      Jill Simons, Linda Stern,           it or not, I was already booked to do a         Committed to the Jewish Community for over 20 years,
      Bryna Tevlowitz                                                                        Stacy is passionate about real estate and strives
                                          murder mystery in New Jersey. I’m so
      MISSION STATEMENT: The Jewish News of   honest, I said to him that I was already   to build ever-lasting relationships based on exceptional service,
      Sarasota-Manatee strives to be the source of   booked  for  that  Saturday  night  and  I   uncompromising values and a strong work ethic.
      news and features of special interest to the   asked him if he would mind if I tried to
      Jewish community of Sarasota-Manatee, to
      provide a forum for the exchange of ideas   find a replacement and would call him                                   941.266.0529
      and opinions in the Jewish community, and   back in 20 minutes. He was lovely and                   
      to communicate the mission, activities and   told  me  that  would  be  fine. Anyway,
      achievements of the Federation and its Jew-  I found a replacement, so there I was
      ish community partners.             in the opening skit with Amy Poehler.                                     1605 Main Street • Sarasota, FL 34236 • 941.951.6660
      OPINIONS printed in The Jewish News of Sara-  It was a United Nations sketch. Chris
      sota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect those   Parnell played Colin Powell, and Amy
      of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Mana-  Poehler and I were Icelandic delegates.
      tee, its Board of Directors or staff.  So, there we were on stage when I hear,              Give Yourself More
      SUBMISSIONS to The Jewish News are sub-
      ject to editing for space and content, and   ‘Live  from  New  York,  it’s  Saturday         Time to Enjoy the
      may be withheld from publication without   Night.’ Well, the band kicked in and I
      prior notice. Approval of submissions for   got chills up and down my spine. It was
      publication in either verbal or written form   an amazing experience. I was invited
      shall always be considered tentative, and
      does not imply a guarantee of any kind.
      Submissions must be sent electronically to     STAY                                                                   This Hanukkah season, trust Morton’s Market to
      LETTERS to the editor should not exceed 300                                                provide the delicious dishes that will make your
      words, must be typed, and include the writer’s   CONNECTED                                family’s special moments all the more memorable.
      name, mailing address and phone number.
      Letters can be submitted via USPS or email                                                  From expertly catered parties to elaborate
      ( Not all letters will                                            holiday menus, we put the time, effort and care
      be published. Letters may be edited for length                                             into each recipe so you can have more time to
      and content.                                                                                  enjoy the season and your loved ones.
      ADVERTISING: Publisher reserves the right
      to refuse any advertisement and may require                                      Full Hanukkah menu available! Call for details!
      the words “Paid Advertisement” in any ad.
      Publication of advertisements does not con-
      stitute endorsement of products, services or
      ideas promoted therein.

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