Page 10 - Jewish News | November 2021
P. 10

10A                         November 2021                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     Our Holocaust survivors must never be forgotten

     By Bette Zaret, Holocaust Education and Programming
          ince  2017,  the  Claims  Confer-  munity-wide  Kristallnacht  and  In-  helps  support our area  survivors is   must  be remembered  and stay  in our
          ence*  has  honored  Holocaust   ternational  Holocaust  Remembrance   through its underwriting of the Jewish   hearts forever. They are our living hu-
     Ssurvivors  each  year  during  In-  Day  commemorations,  paying  tribute   Healing Program at JFCS of the Sun-  man  link  to  the  memory  of  the  most
     ternational Holocaust Survivors Night,   to  our  local  survivors,  the  Federation   coast,  which  provides  area  survivors   horrible  genocide  committed  in  mod-
     an  event  which  is  celebrated  on  the   has  a  Holocaust  Speakers  Bureau.   critical  case  management  and  direct   ern  history. They  bore  witness to  the
     third night of Chanukah. Simultaneous   During the last five years alone, over   services. More than 150 survivors are   empathy of the righteous, the criminal
     candle lighting ceremonies take place   6,000 students have had the benefit of   enrolled  for  services  that  JFCS  pro-  indifference of the bystanders and the
     in Jerusalem, New York, Berlin, Paris,   listening to a survivor speak and hear   vides,  including  helping  them  to  age   incredible  cruelty  of  the  perpetrators.
     London and Moscow. A date set aside   their stories, either in person or, since   in place, and to receive reparations and   We should respect them, listen to them
     to honor Holocaust survivors could not   Covid, via Zoom.                  emergency  financial  assistance,  and   and  learn  from  them  while  we  can.
     have come a moment too soon.             The Federation also teams up with   personalized  case  management.  They   They are the witnesses of the past and
        “As we witness the passing of Ho-  JFCS of the Suncoast, Gulf Coast JFCS   also get the support of Rabbi Jonathan   the  cautionary  voices  of  the  future.
     locaust survivors each day, there’s an   in Clearwater and  The  Florida Holo-  Katz,  Community  Chaplain  and  Di-  They must never be forgotten.
     urgency to honor them, listen to their   caust Museum to celebrate Chanukah   rector of the Jewish Healing Program,   For information about Federation’s
     experiences,  recognize  their  suffering   with  Holocaust  survivors  in  Sarasota   who works in collaboration with Gulf   Holocaust  Education  and  Program-
     and  raise  awareness  about  Holocaust   and  Manatee  counties.  In  past  years,   Coast  JFCS and  the  Jewish Materi-  ming,  contact  me  at  bzaret@jfedsrq.
     remembrance,”  said  Claims  Confer-  more than 150 survivors have enjoyed   al  Claims  Against Germany (Claims   org or 941.228.3676. For information
     ence President Julius Berman.        a wonderful meal, delightful entertain-  Conference).                       on  Holocaust  Survivor  Supportive
        The inevitable passing of the sur-  ment and good old-fashioned kibitzing   This year, working with The Flor-  Services, call JFCS at 941.366.2224.
     vivor generation increases our respon-  with one another. Since Covid preclud-  ida  Holocaust  Museum  and  the  State   *Founded  in  1951  by  representatives
     sibility to make sure that the history of   ed an in-person Chanukah celebration   of Florida Department of Health, JFCS   of  23  major  international  Jewish  or-
     the Holocaust does not simply become   in 2020, the survivors received a gift   facilitated in-home Covid vaccinations   ganizations, the Claims Conference
     just a story from our past.  We must   in the mail.                        and was also able to ramp up its ongo-  negotiates  for and disburses funds
     learn from their stories as it is imper-  This year, they will receive a Cha-  ing advocacy for reparations for those   to individuals  and organizations and
     ative to honor the courage and endur-  nukah gift bag with all sorts of goodies   who qualify but had never applied.  seeks  the  return of  property  stolen
     ance  of  all  Holocaust  survivors,  and   to celebrate the Festival of Lights. The   Indeed,  our  Holocaust  survivors   during the Holocaust.
     that we carefully listen to their stories   bags will be delivered to their homes
     as a warning against the dangers of dis-  by volunteers and staff who will help   Learn about the Holocaust with
     crimination and intolerance.         bring holiday cheer to our beloved and
        The Jewish Federation of Sara-    cherished survivors, to whom we hold  Classrooms Without Borders
     sota-Manatee’s robust Holocaust Edu-   a  debt  of  gratitude.  “Zooming”  for   By Bette Zaret, Holocaust Education and Programming
     cation  program  has  historically  sup-  Jewish holidays and celebrations, and
     ported a Holocaust survivor initiative,   the safe delivery of meals and special   he Jewish Federation  of      Confronting the Complexity
     the goal of which is to honor, lend sup-  gifts  to  the  doors  of  survivors,  com-  Sarasota-Manatee  is  pleased   of Holocaust Scholarship:
     port and to never forget our local Holo-  bined with frequent telephone contact   Tto  offer  our  local  community   Reflections on the Past, Present
                                                                                the  opportunity  to  participate  in  two
                                                                                                                      and Future of Holocaust Studies
     caust survivors who bore witness – to   by JFCS, has become the new normal
     continue their legacy, capture their sto-  for connecting with survivors, helping   enriching  and  fascinating  Holocaust   Join  CWB  and  preeminent  Holocaust
     ries and learn from their experiences.  them to feel less isolated.        series via Zoom, through our partner-  Scholar  Michael  Berenbaum  as  we
        In addition to presenting our com-    Another way in which Federation   ship with Classrooms Without Borders   explore  the  complexities  of  the  field
                                                                                (CWB).                                of Holocaust Scholarship. The rise of
                                                                                Holocaust Museums                     antisemitism  across  the  globe,  along-
                                                                                Around the World                      side the current data that points to a se-
                    A COMMEMORATION                                             Alongside CWB scholars, we will trav-  rious void in understanding about the
                    A COMMEMORA
                                                                                el monthly with museum historians,    Holocaust in the 21  century, shines a
                   Join our community as we commemorate                         experts and contemporary witnesses to
                   the Night of Broken Glass.                                   10  different  regions.  We  will  explore
                                                                                the history behind various exhibits,
                   SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2021                                     discuss the nature of memory and me-
                                , NOVEMBER 7, 2021
                                                                                morials,  and  discover  how  the  world
                    3:00 pm  •  Via Zoom                                        remembers the Shoah and honors the
                      (registration required)                                   lives we lost. We will also explore how
                                                                                that memory is interconnected to geno-
                             SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER                              cides,  both  past  and  present.  Our  ex-
                         AME HELEN HYDE
                         DAME HELEN HYDE                                        perts will challenge us to grapple with   light on a critical need to continue the

                               World renowned Holocaust                         issues of cultural identity, responsibili-  task of Holocaust scholars to honor the
                                 and Genocide Scholar                           ty to community and decision-making,   memory of the Shoah. In each program
                                                                                as  well  as  ways  in  which  individuals   of this nine-part series, we will  meet
                                                                                and nations responded, or failed to re-  top scholars in the field, and focus on
                           On November 9,1938, the Nazis unleashed pogroms against    spond, to the crisis through close ex-  their research and scholarship.
                            Germany’s Jewish community, known today as Kristallnacht,    amination  of  the  museums’  artifacts   The monthly series began in Octo-
                            or the Night of Broken Glass.                       and memorials.                        ber, but you can join us for the next ses-
                              We remember.  We commemorate.  We stand up against        The series started  in September,   sion, which takes place on Wednesday,
                                antisemitism and all expressions of hatred, together.   but it’s not too late to join for the re-  November 10 at 3:00 p.m.
                                                                                mainder of the monthly series.The next    To  register  for  each  of  these  free
                                                                                session is on Thursday, November 18,   series,  please  visit
                                                                                and the  series will  run through June   For  more  information,  contact  me  at
                                                                       CHEVRA KADISHA                        CULTURE     MOHEL                 SHABBA
                                                                                                             or 941.228.3676. T
                                                 Ronnie Riceberg, Chair                        KOSHER                             CAMP
                                        RSVP at               SENIORS                 LONGBOAT KEY                             EDUCATION
                                                                                 YOUNG ADULTS
                    QUESTIONS? Contact Bette Zaret, 941.228.3676              YOUTH GROUP      KI  N G F   O  R S  O  M  E T H  I N G J  E W   I S H ? CULTURE
                                                                                        LOOKING FOR SOMETHING JEWISH?
                    or                                                                                                   ELDERLY SERVICES
                                                                                    JUDAICA   FOOD       VENICE
                                                                                                            CHEVRA KADISHA
                                                                                                          FIND IT IN THE DIRECTORY
                                                                                 HILLEL                                 EDUCATION
                                                           941.371.4546              SUMMER CAMP                                        MOHEL
                                                    SOCIAL         TEEN                  KOSHER                           CAMP      CEMETERIES
                                                                     EDUCATION               YOUTH GROUP                 NORTH PORT               FAMILY
                                                            CAMP                                 YOUNG ADULTS        BRADENTON
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