Page 14 - Jewish News | November 2021
P. 14

14A                         November 2021                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     STEP teen mensches hold donation drive

     for Afghan refugees

     By Jessi Sheslow, Teen & Family Programs Manager
            ou shall not wrong a stranger     Within  a  week,  I  was  coordinat-  The donation drive was a smashing   proud of their  demonstration  of this
            or oppress them, for you were   ing and meeting with a core group of   success. Thanks to the incredibly gen-  key tenet from our Federation mission
     Ystrangers in the land of Egypt.”    juniors and seniors to be the leads on   erous hearts of our STEP teens and the   of Tikkun Olam. I know I am!
     (Exodus 22:20)                       this project. With Gustavo guiding the   connections of our Federation, Afghan   To  learn  more  about  STEP,  visit
        What a powerful statement to keep   way,  Michela  Hazan,  Lucy  Thomas   refugees being resettled in the Tampa  or  please  contact  me
     in  our  hearts  –  a  statement  that  our   and Maxwell Fletcher helped to plan a   Bay and Sarasota areas now have the   at 941.343.2109 or jsheslow@jfedsrq.
     STEP (Shapiro Teen Engagement Pro-   donation drive in partnership with Gulf   items to help them feel more at home in   org.
     gram) teens are living right now.    Coast JFCS and JFCS of the Suncoast.   a foreign land.
        At the STEP Open House meeting    At  the  same  time,  I  connected  with   We are thankful
     for the 2021-22 season, teens discussed   my  friend,  Sheriff  Kurt  Hoffman.  He   to our partners
     ideas for volunteering  throughout the   shared with me the initiative the Sara-  and to everyone
     year. Gustavo Trope Mayer, a junior at   sota County Sheriff’s Office was plan-  who  donated
     the Riverview IB program, asked if we   ning to help Deputy Mubarak resettle   items for these
     could do anything for Afghan refugees.   his family  from Afghanistan to Sara-  families  who
     The rest of the group started nodding   sota. When I told him about our teen   came here with
     their heads in agreement. After all, the   donation drive, he immediately asked   nothing but the
     news of the U.S. military pullout from   me to join his SCSO resettlement team,   clothes on their
     Afghanistan  was something  everyone   and they became our third partner for   backs. Our teens
     was talking about.                   the donation drive.                   are true  men-
                                                                                sches,  and  our
                                                                                should be very       Gabrielle Meese and Gustavo Trope Mayer carry donated boxes

          STEP teens and Jessi Sheslow (2  from left) with the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office
                             and Sarasota Police Department                       Michele Trope Mayer, Maxwell Fletcher, Gustavo Trope Mayer, Megan Meese, Caroline Spiegel,
                                                                                             Jessi Sheslow, Gabrielle Meese, Spencer Cohen, Michela Hazan

                                                    Presented by

                                                                                        Make someone
                PEOPLE OF THE BOOK

                                                                                        feel special

       2021-22 Author Lecture Series
          Two November events on Zoom                                                   on their birthday
            October 12, 2021 – May 3, 2022
                     21 Authors • 20 Events
         Wednesday, November 3                                                          by making a donation
     10 “in-person” events (also available on Zoom)                                     in their name.
                       Leah Garrett
                     and 10 Zoom-only events
                            X Troop
      “Part history and part mystery, X Troop tells a compelling
      and little-known story about an improbable group of ‘British’
      soldiers who made an important contribution to the war
      effort.” – Deborah E. Lipstadt

           Monday, November 22

                         David Biro

          This Magnificent Dappled Sea

      “Physician and author Biro examines the secrets that people
      carry and how they shape and distort the ways one sees the
      world. A story of interconnection and the boundaries that too
      often keep us apart.” – Booklist

           See the article on
       pages 6A-7A  for information    Authors appearing in the monthly series
          about these authors    of the People of the Book are members
            and their books.     of the Jewish Book Council Network.

      These events are $10 each per household. Save more when                           Call Bonnie at   Or visit
      you purchase a package to the entire series. For a complete                       941.343.2115        to donate
       schedule of events, ticket information, author bios, book
       synopses and a 16-page brochure, visit
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