Page 12 - Jewish News | November 2021
P. 12

12A                         November 2021                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     Volunteer Spotlight

     Knitting creativity with charity – and brightening lives

     By Sandy Chase
            viva Senior Living resident   gratitude, saying, “The generosity San-   Once seeing the bears and hearing   collapsed.  I  had  to  find  something  to
            Sandy  Klein  continues  to  af-  dy Klein has shown is incredible. The   about  Sandy’s  joy  from  her  creative   do because my life wasn’t over yet! A
     Afect numerous lives, including      joy these bears have brought to the PJ   endeavors,  Jessi  requested  knitted   fellow resident suggested knitting as a
     her own. Her latest example of altruism   kids is phenomenal.”             dreidels,  downloading  instructions   way to strengthen my hands and elimi-
     and imagination powers every knitted     To  thank  Sandy,  Jessi  gave  her  a   (found by Sheila) to Sandy. “Dreidels   nate shaking.”
     dreidel she has donated to the PJ Li-  photo collage of smiling PJ kids hold-  are another  great  opportunity for PJ   Although  skeptical,  Sandy  fol-
     brary program, supported by The Jew-  ing their teddy bears.               kids  to  learn  about  Chanukah  while   lowed through, grateful that as a child
     ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.      Jessi explains, “I learned  about   having fun,” says Jessi.            she learned how to knit, sew and defy
        The  “Jewish  Energizer  Bunny”  –   Sandy from Sheila Birnbaum, an Aviva   A good friend,  Maria  Leonardo,   any  challenge,  saying,  “All  I  have  to
     fueled  by  Tikkun Olam and  tzedakah   Trustee and chair/co-chair for several   Aviva’s Campus Director, Life Enrich-  hear is ‘Can you? Will you?’ And I’ll
     –  Sandy  recently  donated  hand-knit-  committees  for  which  Sandy  volun-  ment & Volunteers, highlights Sandy’s   try it.”
     ted teddy bears to PJ kids. Her charity   teers.”                          commitment:  “Sandy  transformed  the     Regaining  her  strength,  she  orga-
     didn’t  begin  here,  though.  For  many                                             Aviva-supplied  yarn  and   nized a Kobernick group that decorat-
     years,  Sandy  decorated  baseball  caps                                             other materials into a      ed caps she brought with her. ‘Kobee
     for  east  coast  and  Suncoast  Florida                                             dreidel that same evening.”  Caps’ were replaced by ‘Kobee Kids,’
     children deprived of health and strong                                                   Sandy’s  volunteering   knitted teddy bears.
     families.                                                                            can  be  traced  to  Albany,    Over the  years, Sandy  has been
        A prime  example  is Camp Mari-                                                   New  York.  Raising  two    recognized  for  her  unending  benefi-
     posa at JFCS of the Suncoast. Baseball                                               children,  David  and  Ruth,   cence:
     caps were provided to children in this                                               Sandy was involved  in      ‹   2006: 25  Annual Statewide Quali-
     program whose family members strug-                                                  PTA  programs.  She  also       ty Senior Living Award for Service
     gle  with  substance  abuse.  Other  ben-                                            led  scouting  activities  and   to Seniors by a Volunteer: Florida
     eficiaries included hospitals, Tidewell                                              Councilettes,  Ruth’s  Jew-     Council on Aging for the Diamond
     and All Star Children’s Foundation.                                                  ish Federation teenage  so-     Club
        Indirectly,  Sandy  has  helped                                                   cial club, all while being a   ‹   2018: “Words From the  Wise”
     empower  community  partnerships,                                                    bookkeeper  and  cosmeti-       Honorable  Mention  and Appreci-
     whether with other seniors, teens or or-  Jessi Sheslow and Sandy Klein with a photo collage    cian at Klein Pharmacy, co-  ation  for  Inspiring  Achievement
     ganizations, such as JFCS, Aviva and             of PJ Kids with their teddy bears   owned with her pharmacist       and  Outstanding  Service  Toward
     Federation.                              A  longtime  Federation  and  JFCS   husband Joe (of blessed memory).       Others (Aviva).
        Her  stuffed  teddy  bears  included   volunteer, Sheila approached Jessi be-  Not one to be idle, Sandy then   ‹   All Star Children’s Foundation re-
     in the PJ Library Apples & Honey Gift   fore Rosh Hashanah, offering a gift of   worked for the New York State Depart-  cent letter of gratitude for ‘Kobee
     Bags  for  Rosh  Hashanah  helped  pro-  teddy  bears  knitted  by  “an  incredible   ment of Civil Service as an audit clerk   Kids’
     mote the program’s mission of instill-  resident.”                         until retiring in 1980 to Delray Beach,   Describing  a  fraction  of  Sandy’s
     ing children with Jewish culture.        Sheila  says,  “My  goal  is  to  con-  where she founded the Diamond Club   Aviva life, Maria lists such activities as
        Jessi Sheslow, Federation’s Teen &   nect Aviva  residents  with  community   for Temple Emeth congregants 75 and   performing in the Aviva Players, coor-
     Family Programs Manager, who over-   nonprofits. Sandy creates; I deliver the   older.                           dinating evening mixers, and teaching
     sees  PJ  Library,  echoes  community   goods.”                                She recalls how a member’s grand-  mahjong and canasta in addition to tak-
                                                                                son shared with the club his redesigned   ing art classes.
                                                                                Mickey Mouse baseball cap, explain-       Trying to catch her breath, Maria
                                                                                ing  that  a  hat  manufacturer  donated   sums up Sandy’s verve: “I can’t keep
                                                                                rejected  company  caps.  Contacting   up  with  her,  especially  when  we’re
                                                                                Copy  Cats  of  Boston  (manufacturer/  walking. At least I can slow down to
                                                                                supplier), Sandy initiated the Diamond   appreciate Sandy’s paintings adorning
                                                                                Club’s  ‘Cool  Caps  for  Cancer  Kids,’   Aviva’s bistro.”
                                                                                donating to hospitals nationwide.         Sandy  replies,  “It’s  important  to
                                                                                    Her  Delray  and  Boynton  Beach   put  yourself  out  there.  Cherish  each
                                                                                experience before relocating to Saraso-  day. You’re not in a world by yourself.
                                                                                ta in 2012 “proved that diamonds are   Be part of it.”
                                                                                richer  than  gold,”  she  says,  proud  of   Sheila captures Sandy’s essence by
                                                                                her club members.                     saying,  “Confident,  caring  and  com-
                                                                                    Maria  says, “Sandy  is unique,  a   mitted,  she  brings  smiles  to  children
                                                                                one-of-a-kind  gem,  better  than  a  dia-  she never meets.”
                                                                                mond or Hope Diamond. She’s a San-        Sandy  also  knits  a  bond  between
                                                                                dy Diamond.” And the Sandy Diamond    generations, helping to foster an in-
                                                                                appears to be indestructible, especially   tegral  part  of  Federation’s  mission
                                                                                when faced with health challenges.    of  l’dor v’dor  –  transmitting  rituals,
                                                                                    Shortly after moving to Sarasota,   traditions and history to the next gen-
                                                                                she suffered a stroke a few months after   eration.
                                                                                the death of her husband of 67 years,   If you are interested in volunteering,
                                                                                and  came  to Aviva. After  undergoing   there are many ways to contribute and
                                                                                intensive rehabilitation, she was strong   be part of the volunteer life at the Fed-
                                                                                enough to transfer to Kobernick, Avi-  eration. For more information, please
                                                                                va’s residence for independent living.  contact Jeremy Lisitza, Director of In-
                                                                                    Determined, she says, “I couldn’t   novation and Volunteer Engagement,
                                                                                talk  and  was  very  angry.  My  world   at 941.343.2113 or

                                                                                         Ha          pp          enings

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