Page 6 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
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Jewish Film Festival Opening Night a smashing success People of the Book wraps up inaugural season
By Jeremy Lisitza, Director of Innovation and Volunteer Engagement
he Jewish Federation of Sara- Tevya, many of our traditions and
sota-Manatee’s 11 annual Jew- Jewish values sustain us.”
Tish Film Festival presented by While Jewish Film Festival co-
the Milman-Kover Family was a hit! chairs Cheryl Shapiro and Bunny
Following the Opening Night Skirboll were disappointed that we
sponsor dinner, all guests screened were not able to bring you the Festi-
Fiddler: Miracle of Miracles and were val as it was originally planned, they
treated to a conversation with the film’s thank you for your understanding dur-
executive producer, Patti Kenner, who ing these difficult and uncertain times.
participated via Zoom video confer- “We were pleased that we turned a time
encing. of uncertainty into something positive
Opening Night co-chairs Meredith by providing our sponsors and ticket
Ernst and Adrea Sukin noted, “This holders an exciting opportunity to view
is the most universal, timeless film of the festival virtually online,” they said.
our time. As the fiddler sat on his roof We look forward to next year’s
alone, we are now sitting in our homes Jewish Film Festival when we can
alone praying for one another. Like screen together in person! Barbara Simon, Fran Cohen, Ilana Kroll, Bunny Skirboll
Jewish Film Festival Opening Night Co-chairs Jewish Film Festival Co-chairs Bunny Skirboll
Meredith Ernst and Adrea Sukin and Cheryl Shapiro Larry & Mary Greenspon Evans Tilles and Terry Neis
Steve Shapiro, Lori & David Liner Allen & Evie Lichter, Fremajane Wolfson Janet Tolbert, Ronnie Riceberg, Dennis Zimmerman
Randon & Lynn Carvel, Michael Ritter, Nancy Wolk, Ian Black Festival Sponsor Susan Milman, Gail Blumenthal, Margaret Wise, Deb Kabinoff
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STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund For more information, see page 11. Stay informed throughout the month. Sign up for the Jewish Federation’s Enewsletter at