Page 7 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
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People of the Book wraps up inaugural season
By Gayle Guynup
he Jewish Federation of Sara- Alexandra Silber, based on her book ish Book Council again this year to Federation members and event
sota-Manatee, in conjunction After Anatevka, to the humor of the continue this incredible program. We sponsors Lori and David Liner es-
Twith the Jewish Book Council, Marx Brothers, incorporated into Josh can’t wait to see the lineup of available pecially enjoyed the series, noting,
recently wrapped up its inaugural sea- Frank’s book, Giraffes on Horseback authors,” she said. “People of the Book has exposed us
son of People of the Book, an author Salad. This past season’s roster of au- and our community to a wide variety
lecture series featuring seven promi- The entire series attracted more thors included: December - Marra B. of authors of excellent books. It has
nent Jewish authors in six events. than 1,000 guests, ranging from 150- Gad, The Color of Love: A Story of a been exciting to meet and be able to
The series concluded in April with 300 people per event depending on the Mixed-Race Jewish Girl, and Angela speak with authors who have written
a virtual presentation on Zoom from author. “We were thrilled to see the Himsel, A River Could Be a Tree; Janu- books on current and relevant Jewish-
Jack Fairweather, author of The Volun- community’s response to our new ary - Alexandra Silber, After Anatevka, related topics, such as anti-Semitism,
teer: One Man, an Underground Army, People of the Book series,” said Kim and S. Perry Brickman, Extracted: remembering the Holocaust and some
and the Secret Mission to Destroy Adler (formerly Mullins), the Federa- Unmasking Rampant Anti-Semitism in of its heroes, growing up in a mixed-
race family, and becom-
ing a Jew by choice,” Lori
said. “On a lighter note, we
were also entertained with
Jewish-connected mate-
rial by a musical theatre
actress/author, as well as
an author who converted
an old movie script writ-
ten for Jewish actors into a
Auschwitz, highlighting the heroes of tion’s Chief Operating Officer. “And America’s Higher Education; February creatively-graphic novel. We are proud
the resistance during World War II. we couldn’t have been more pleased - Ariel Burger, Witness; March - Josh to have been sponsors of ‘People of the
The series showcased the incred- with the authors that were selected. Frank, Giraffes on Horseback Salad; Book’ this year, and will continue to be
ible depth and breadth of talent among Their presentations were fascinating, April - Jack Fairweather, The Volun- in the future!”
Jewish authors – everything from Ariel thought-provoking and entertaining. teer: One Man, an Underground Army, For more information on the series,
Burger’s moving account of his special The authors themselves were so ap- and the Secret Mission to Destroy contact Jeremy Lisitza, 941.343.2113
relationship with Holocaust survivor proachable and thoroughly enjoyed Auschwitz. or
and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Elie interacting with our audiences. We
Wiesel, to the theatrical stylings of look forward to working with the Jew-
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