Page 24 - BK 10 UGB HL V 6
P. 24
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"Uncle Goodbuddie? Do yo read?" rodioed the Ronger.
"I'm ten (10) miles south of Hubbord Creek.
And,T'm closin' in on Jqc, thot sneqk!"
"f heord thot!" gobbled Uncle 6oodbuddie.
"We'JJ let yo know when we smel! burrninl hide!"
Then, the turkey truckers stuck their heods outside.
The chopper circledlhetrees oround Hubbord Creek.
And...there on the ground...uuas Joc.
His Black AAqc wos porked behind his shock.
"You're under orrest for cottle rustlin', Joc!"shouted the Ronger.
"Put thot brqndin' iron on the ground...
Roise your honds ond turn oround!"