Page 20 - BK 10 UGB HL V 6
P. 20
When the'56 Service Truck returned urith the lurkey truckers,
Uncle 6oodbuddie sqw his yellow floshing lights beginto show.
He sow the Big Red Notionql ond gobblzd,"OH! NO!"
Uncle Goodbuddie's truck door wos open.
And,the cottle troiler wos not there!
The turkey truckers dropped their beoks in o storel
Tyler gobbled, "Breqker 19! ft's Tyler!'
"Uncle Goodbuddie's troiler full of longhorns is gonel
What in the worJd in goin' on?"
"Texos Ronger, herd,, in the oir!" rodioed the Ronger.
"ft's Joc in his Block,lAoc, been trockin'him oll nightl
He's burnin' rubber ond out-of-sight!"