Page 18 - BK 10 UGB HL V 6
P. 18


                                                           Poge 8

                   Joc  arnobbed  his tool box.
                    Heheaded for the Red Notionol, driver's side.
                   Somehow...he  would hove to get inside.

                   Jqc...the lowdown rot...wos  good at getttng into trucks.
                    He carried mony sets of keys.
                   Surely, he could open the Red Mtiorml with one af these.

                   5o, guickly  Joc jumped  into Uncle Goodbuddie's  truck.
                    Bef ore long the troiler wos unhooked  from the 5th wheel.
                   For  trucker, it wos no big deol.

                    But, the longhorns we?e not impressed!
                   They knew thot Joc wos o crook.
                   They bellowed ond give him o dirty look,
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