Page 14 - BK 10 UGB HL V 6
P. 14
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"Tel! Uncle Goodbuddie in twenty (20) minutes or more...
f'll be knockin'ot your bock door*!"
Tyler ond Uncla 6oodbuddie jumped into Lit'l Roy's PETE.
They hod o flot tire to fix.
Th"y hurried or beot feet to the'56!
But...os sometimes hoppens...the'56 Service Truck wos out.
ft hod qnother rood coll.
So, the turkey truckers nrould hove to wcit, after all.
AAeonwhile ot Mile AAorker #305, the longhorns shifted.
The troiler wos still ond they did not know why.
The looked ot eqch other ond up ot the sky.