Page 10 - BK 10 UGB HL V 6
P. 10
Poge 4
Soon...the steers wete loqded.
There were fiifty(5O) iin ol!.
Slim woved ond soid, "Hqve o mighty fine trip, YA'LLll"
; The Big Red Notionol rolled out of the Peroni Ronch.
The night wos still cleon ond cleqr.
But, the steets knew thqt trouble wos neor.
5o, the turkey truckers kept those cottle moving.
Both kept close eyes on the rood.
I They knew they had to deliver this HOT LOAD!
j But..,os sometimes hoppens...the truck mode o noise.
ft went, FLOPI POPI
, Uncle Goodbuddie knew thqt he hod to stop.