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So...Tyler kept o close wotch on the rood.
And, Uncle Goodbuddie's Red Notionol sped on its way-
Uncle Goodbuddie gobbled, "sundown's our orrivol time or ETA."
The turkey truckers orrived at the Old Peroni Ronch.
And, it wos obout six o'clock.
Slim, the Foremon, told sent them to the looding dock.
But, os sometimes hoppens,therewerefour trucks woiting.
The Red Nstionql would hove to get in line...qt the end.
Tyler qnd Uncle 6oodbuddie would hove o few hours to spend.
Uncle Goodbuddie tried to cqtch some "ZZ's"
And, Tyler looked up of the stors , clean ond bright.
ft wos November, chilly, ond going to be averY long night.