Page 12 - BK 10 UGB HL V 6
P. 12
Poge 5
Uncle Goodbuddie jumped out of the driver's side.
He gobbled, "The tire on my side is gone!
ft shouldn't toke long to put o new one on."
5o, Tyler picked up the CB rodio.
He gobbled, "Do yo reod? Bre-oker t9?
ft's Tyler ond Uncle Goodbuddie on the ltnel"
"f reod yo loud ond cleor!" gobbled Litrl Roy.
"This is Lit'l Roy ot the Abilene 156!
Do yo need a tow ond fix?'
"We're qt mile morker #305 with o flqt tire!" gobbled Tyler.
"Uncle Goodbuddie soys it's on the driver's side.
Canya give us aride?"