Page 16 - BK 10 UGB HL V 6
P. 16



                   MOO! MOO! fhe steers bellowed.
                    Whqt wos going on?
                    The truck wos there  , the drivers, gonel

                    Then...over  the hill, billowing smoke, come onother truck.
                   ft wos o BLACK MACI
                    And, the driver's nome wos JAC!

                    WisssH! WisssH! Joc slommed on his oir brokes.
                    He got out of his Block llioc to toke o look oround.
                    The driver of the Red Nofionsl  wos not to be found?

                    Jqc wos o cottle rustler,  lowdown cowpoke!
                    He wos looking for cottle trailers thot were stuck.
                    And. he could not believe  his luck.
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