Page 7 - Literacy Information
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            The role of information professionals

            Information professionals have a crucial   Background                  How was it devised?
            role in advocating, supporting and   The CILIP Information Literacy Group have   In June 2016, the ILG Committee
            enabling information literacy. This may   created this definition  for information   launched a consultation of ILG members.
            be most evident in educational contexts   literacy to update the definition devised   Respondents provided useful insights
            where academic librarians teach student   by CILIP in 2004. The theory and practice   in the way that the task might be
            cohorts or school librarians support   of information literacy has evolved   approached. Further comments were
            enquiry-based learning or research project   considerably since then, and the new   solicited in August-September from
            methodologies. Public librarians support   definition reflects these developments,   Committee members themselves and
            the everyday life uses of information   notably by addressing the relevance   then additional feedback was obtained
            literacy, in both formal and informal   of information literacy beyond formal   at the LILAC Conference in April 2017.
            settings and have perhaps one of the   education. The new definition is also   The outcome of these consultations is
            greatest responsibilities in supporting   addressed to multiple audiences,   a suggested frame and scope for an
            the wide range of information literacy   potentially to anyone who uses and   extended definition is set out below. The
            needs of the general public. Information   handles information, and not just to   definition was completed in August 2017
            professionals in health including health   information professionals.  and approved at the ILG Committee
            librarians have a key role in delivering and   The UNESCO Alexandria Proclamation   meeting on 1st September 2017. The
            interpreting information and evidence   inspired some of the thinking behind   CILIP Board approved the definition in
            to clinicians, and ensuring medical staff,   this work, as did the updated ACRL   November 2017.
            patients and the public have access to   Framework for Information Literacy and A
            accurate, life-changing information.  New Curriculum for Information Literacy   April 2018
               Information literacy is central for   (ANCIL). 7
            information professionals as they create,                              Authors in alphabetical order
            curate and enable the use of diverse types   “IL empowers people in all walks
            of information in an ethical manner.   of life to seek, evaluate, use and   Emma Coonan,
               Other professionals, such as                                        Anglia Ruskin University
            teachers, academic advisors and     create information effectively     Jacqueline Geekie,
            educational technologists also foster   to achieve their personal, social,   Aberdeenshire Libraries
            information literacy and it is key that   occupational and educational   Stéphane Goldstein,
            information professionals work with them   goals. It is a basic human right in a   InformAll
            in collaboration.                   digital world and promotes social   Lisa Jeskins,
               Training and support for information   inclusion in all nations.”   Lisa Jeskins Training
            professionals in information literacy is                               Rosie Jones,
            provided through a variety of routes,   UNESCO (2005) Alexandria Proclamation.   The Open University
            including but not limited to:                                          Rowena Macrae-Gibson,
                                                                                   Brunel University London
            •  Library Masters qualifications                                      Jane Secker,
            •  Fellowship of the Higher Education                                  City, University of London
               Academy                                                             Geoff Walton,
            •  Attending training provided by the                                  Manchester Metropolitan University
               CILIP Information Literacy Group,
               including LILAC
            •  Resources available from the
               Information Literacy website
            •  Professional reading
            •  Peer support
            •  Other sources of professional training

            6  The current definition and supporting statement can be found at
            information-literacy (Accessed 21 February 2018)
            7  Secker, J and Coonan, E. (2011) A New Curriculum for Information Literacy (ANCIL). Available at: (Accessed 21 February 2018)
            8  ILG memberships currently stands at about 1,500 members.

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