Page 8 - Mechatronics with Experiments
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CHAPTER 3 MECHANISMS FOR 4.2 Basic Computer Model 214
MOTION TRANSMISSION 133 4.3 Microcontroller Hardware and
Software: PIC 18F452 218
3.1 Introduction 133 4.3.1 Microcontroller
3.2 Rotary to Rotary Motion Hardware 220
Transmission Mechanisms 136 4.3.2 Microprocessor
3.2.1 Gears 136 Software 224
3.2.2 Belt and Pulley 138 4.3.3 I/O Peripherals of PIC
3.3 Rotary to Translational Motion 18F452 226
Transmission Mechanisms 139 4.4 Interrupts 235
3.3.1 Lead-Screw and 4.4.1 General Features of
Ball-Screw Interrupts 235
Mechanisms 139 4.4.2 Interrupts on PIC
3.3.2 Rack and Pinion
18F452 236
Mechanism 142
4.5 Problems 243
3.3.3 Belt and Pulley 142
3.4 Cyclic Motion Transmission CHAPTER 5 ELECTRONIC
Mechanisms 143 COMPONENTS FOR
3.4.1 Linkages 143 MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS 245
3.4.2 Cams 145
3.5 Shaft Misalignments and 5.1 Introduction 245
Flexible Couplings 153 5.2 Basics of Linear Circuits 245
3.6 Actuator Sizing 154 5.3 Equivalent Electrical Circuit
3.6.1 Inertia Match Between Methods 249
Motor and Load 160 5.3.1 Thevenin’s Equivalent
3.7 Homogeneous Transformation Circuit 249
Matrices 162 5.3.2 Norton’s Equivalent
3.8 A Case Study: Automotive Circuit 250
Transmission as a “Gear 5.4 Impedance 252
Reducer” 172 5.4.1 Concept of Impedance 252
3.8.1 The Need for a 5.4.2 Amplifier: Gain, Input
Gearbox Impedance, and
“Transmission” in Output Impedance 257
Automotive 5.4.3 Input and Output
Applications 172 Loading Errors 258
3.8.2 Automotive 5.5 Semiconductor Electronic
Transmission: Manual Devices 260
Shift Type 174 5.5.1 Semiconductor
3.8.3 Planetary Gears 178 Materials 260
3.8.4 Torque Converter 186 5.5.2 Diodes 263
3.8.5 Clutches and Brakes: 5.5.3 Transistors 271
Multi Disc Type 192 5.6 Operational Amplifiers 282
3.8.6 Example: An 5.6.1 Basic Op-Amp 282
Automatic 5.6.2 Common Op-Amp
Transmission Control Circuits 290
Algorithm 194 5.7 Digital Electronic Devices 308
3.8.7 Example: Powertrain 5.7.1 Logic Devices 309
of Articulated Trucks 196 5.7.2 Decoders 309
3.9 Problems 201 5.7.3 Multiplexer 309
5.7.4 Flip-Flops 310
5.8 Digital and Analog I/O and
CHAPTER 4 Their Computer Interface 314
MICROCONTROLLERS 207 5.9 D/A and A/D Converters and
Their Computer Interface 318
4.1 Embedded Computers versus 5.10 Problems 324
Non-Embedded Computers 207