Page 13 - Interview Book(KOR)-2025-01
P. 13

institutions. Correcting any suspicions about elections is the minimum obligation of
                 any state agency that has been delegated sovereignty from the people. It is the stern
                 right of the sovereign people to require a convincing clarification for the reasonable
                 and concrete suspicions and to improve arrangements for a fair and transparent
                 election system. Suspicion will only continue to grow, and the very foundation of the
                 nation will be shaken unless the ballot boxes and ballots containing our valuable
                 votes, all related equipment, the program source codes used, and the details of any
                 communications  that  occurred  in  the  field  are  transparently  disclosed,  and  a
                 thorough investigation is conducted into the entities involved.

                 Thus, we strongly demand the followings:

                 First,  apart  from  the  ongoing  election  proceedings,  we  require  all  state  agencies
                 including the prosecution, the police, the auditors, and the courts to take full-fledged
                 measures  within  their  respective  powers  in  order  to  thoroughly  discover  alleged
                 violations and elucidate suspicions on the election.

                 Second,  we  urge  the  National  Election  Commission  to  allow  the  general  public
                 voluntary  disclosure  and  access  to  relevant  information  without  restrictions,  to
                 resolve any suspicions raised about the 21st general election.

                 Third, any official who has concealed the truth of the alleged fraud or those who have
                 not initiated due procedure, in spite of the numerous reasonable allegations raised,
                 must be accountable for the results regardless of their position. At the same time,
                 any person or power that hinders or distorts the austere and transparent verification
                 and investigation must take responsibility.

                 Fourth,  we  require  anyone  involved  in  organized  election  misconduct  should
                 righteously  be  punished  legally.  We  also  urge  the  members  of  Korean  National
                 Assembly to undertake an overhaul and fundamental reform of the political system
                 as well as the problematic election system, to correct the problems that are to be
                 revealed from the results of the investigation on the rigged election and from the
                 public verification.

                 Fifth, the press and media should impartially report our assertion so that it could be
                 accurately delivered to all people without distortion. Hence, we urge the press and
                 media  to  demonstrate  their  vocation  and  respond  to  the  calling  of  the  times  by
                 transparently reporting clear facts so that people can judge their own suspicions that
                 might be raised even after today.

                 Mistrust in elections is a grave cause of crisis to the country's backbone.

                 We take the current situation very seriously and declare that we will continue to fight
                 indefinitely until our demand for prompt investigation and verification by the public
                 are  accepted.  The  number  of  citizens  participating  will  be  snowballing  until  our
                 unquestionable and legitimate demands are met. In Korean society, where common
                 sense and illuminating the truth is becoming more and more difficult, the fierce
                 struggle of ordinary people will continue tomorrow and beyond./

               Despite all of these evidence and facts and two-year-long street protests, the Korean
               courts, including the Supreme Court, have kept delaying any process of hearing and
               deliberation as to any of 123 legal claims of electoral fraud, despite the fact that the
               Public Official Election Act stipulates that the court must issue the final sentencing

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