Page 19 - Election Book-ENG
P. 19

Fifth, the press and media should report on our
               assertions impartially so they can be accurately delivered
               to all people without distortion. So we urge the press
               and media to demonstrate their skills in unbiased
               reporting and respond to the needs of the moment. By
               transparently relaying clear facts people will be able to
               judge their own suspicions and even raise them after

               Mistrust in elections is a grave cause of crisis in the
               country’s backbone.

               We take the current situation very seriously and declare
               that we will continue to #ght inde#nitely until our
               demand for prompt investigation and veri#cation by the
               public are accepted. !e number of citizens participating
               will snowball until our indisputable and legitimate
               demands are met. In Korean society, where illuminating
               the truth is becoming more and more di"cult, the #erce
               struggle of ordinary people will continue tomorrow and

            Despite all this factual evidence and unwavering two-year
            long street protests the Korean courts, including the Supreme
            Court, have kept delaying any process of hearing and
            deliberation as to any of 123 legal claims of electoral fraud.
            !is despite the fact that the Public O"cial Election Act

            Participating in Burgeoning Civil War between Honesty and Digital Fascism  19
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