Page 15 - Election Book-ENG
P. 15
!ird, the “seals” that should have been “sealing” the
ballot box seals were taken o$ or damaged. Dozens of
such seals were found in the waste dump at the waste
disposal plant. Additionally, the signatures on the seals,
which should have been signed by the assigned election
observers in advance, were found to be di$erent from
his or her original handwriting and it was even captured
that such signing on the ballot seal was taking place not
at the designated polling station, but at the warehouse
run by the National Election Commission.
Fourth, the National Election Commission had
explained that ‘since the ballot sorting machines
operate o%ine, there is absolutely no connection to
the outside’. However, this was proven to be false and
in fact a wireless connection was available for these
machines. !is was revealed by a courageous individual
who claims to be a whistleblower and explained publicly
and in detail, how to connect these machines to the
external network. In addition the sorting machines
turned out to also have connection ports for cable
connections. Moreover, it was also discovered that there
were electronic parts inside the ballot sorting machine
that could be programmed to manipulate the ballot
counting as desired. !is evidently contradicts the
National Election Commission’s claim that the “sorting”
machines only “sort” ballots.
Fifth, although the Public O"cial Election Act clearly
states that “the serial number printed on the ballot must
Participating in Burgeoning Civil War between Honesty and Digital Fascism 15