Page 12 - Election Book-ENG
P. 12

subjected to illegal manipulation by 7-10% fraudulent votes.
            !ere were even cases in several districts where the number of
            votes was higher than the number of electors.

            Numerous pieces of physical evidence were also presented by
            citizens who participated in the ballot counting process as
            o"cial observers. It was observed multiple times across the
            country that blank ballots were wrongfully placed into the box
            for the candidates of the ruling party, and these early voting
            papers, that should have been printer-printed and de#ned
            in size and format, were irregularly cut o$ and margins were
            not the same as the standard speci#cations. Besides, there
            were multiple events where two ballots were stuck together
            as if those had been hastily and illegally printed, and where
            unfolded ballots marking ruling party candidates were poured
            out from a single ballot box during the vote counting process.
            !e seals that should have been sealing the ballot boxes were
            taken o$ or damaged. It was discovered that the National
            Election Commission (NEC) even gave orders to cover up
            existing security cameras at early voting stations on the early
            voting day. !ere was a situation where ballots from di$erent
            districts were mixed together when the box was opened. !e
            possible scenario of electoral rigging by pre-programming was
            strongly suggested by people’s testimony and circumstantial
            evidence. A whistleblower explained publicly and in detail
            how to connect the ballot sorting machines to the external
            network. It was also discovered that there were electronic
            parts inside the ballot sorting machines that could possibly
            be programmed to manipulate the ballot counting as desired.
            Moreover, the NEC illegally and deliberately used QR codes
            instead of barcodes speci#cally for the early votes. Given that

        12  Election Fraud in South Korea: Documenting the Truth
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