Page 13 - Election Book-ENG
P. 13
a signi#cant portion of the election equipment used by the
Commission was a Huawei brand associated with the Chinese
Tencent Company, suspicions were raised that the Chinese
Communist Party may have been involved in the election.
Numerous civil society organizations issued declarations and
statements requesting o"cial investigations for election fraud.
For example, the Professors’ Solidarity for Freedom & Justice
of Korea having a membership of 6,300 full-time professors
in South Korea issued the following o"cial statement jointly
with several civil society groups:
< !e Democracy Manifesto for Fair Election>
May 26, 2020,
Professors' Solidarity for Freedom & Justice of Korea
We, the people, demand cooperation for a thorough
investigation of the alleged frauds in the April 15th
National Assembly Election and punishment of
the ringleaders. We are ordinary citizens, students,
housewives, o"ce workers, and professors of the
Republic of Korea. A number of Koreans and
intellectuals from abroad are also joining us here today.
Now, the 21st National Assembly Election has passed
the stage of suspicion of fraud, and only the process of
revealing the actual truth remains. We are persistently
speaking about this issue because reasonable suspicions
have been strongly raised that the results of the people’s
sovereign rights were fundamentally distorted and the
results of the vote count were manipulated by certain
individuals or power. !e evidence is as follows.
Participating in Burgeoning Civil War between Honesty and Digital Fascism 13