Page 59 - Election Book-ENG
P. 59
Turning a key American ally in Northeast Asia into a pro-China,
pro-North Korea oneparty state would be a strategic achievement
worth almost any price to achieve. And to include working with
allies in country to manipulate the South Korean electoral system
to bene#t its friends in the Democratic Party would be a dream
come true.
The Democratic Party’s impeachment motion following Yoon’s
lifting of martial law gives a sense of what things will be like if the
DP achieves its goal of full control:
“Under the guise of so-called ‘value diplomacy,’ Yoon has
neglected geopolitical balance, antagonizing North Korea,
China, and Russia, adhering to a bizarre Japan-centered foreign
policy and appointing pro-Japan individuals to key government
positions, thereby causing isolation in Northeast Asia and
triggering a crisis of war, abandoning his duty to protect national
security and the people.”
In other words, for the DP no more “antagonizing” North Korea,
China or Russia and no more working with Japan.
Recommendations for addressing election integrity in
South Korea
Reforming and cleaning up an electoral system is never a simple
matter. However, it is necessary to make the effort – not least
since free, honest elections are a prerequisite for a healthy
democracy. This is just as true in South Korea as it is in the
Challenges Facing the South Korean Electoral System - 2024 59