Page 63 - Election Book-ENG
P. 63

political spectrum are grudgingly admitting our system needs

            Both countries, that are friends and long-time allies, would
            do well to consult closely on challenges of mutual concern in
            their respective electoral systems. While there are considerable
            di$erences in each country’s electoral system and processes, there
            are also similarities and things that both sides can learn from
            each other.

            A few areas of potential cooperation include:

            Hardware and network security. Counting and voting systems
            used in some American jurisdictions have been questioned for
            their reliability and security. A review by South Korean experts
            would be welcome. Perhaps US experts might do the same with
            South Korean hardware.

            Efforts to move towards a ‘paper based’ system. Less reliance
            on electronic and computerized systems for voting and counting.

            The US ideal ought to be “same day voting”, “paper ballots”,
            and “voter IDs”. Achieving this will be a tall order since the US
            election system is e$ectively 50 di$erent systems- with each state
            setting its own procedures for conducting an election within
            loose federal guidelines.

            Restricting ‘early voting’ and ‘voting by mail.’

            Cleaning up voter rolls and maintaining accuracy and security.

            Challenges Facing the South Korean Electoral System  2024       63
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