Page 177 - Trilateral Korea Japan U.S. Cooperation
P. 177
Regional Level: South Korea-U.S.-Japan vs.
North Korea-China-Russia?
Contrasting views on a new Cold War era between
North Korea and China.
The Kim Jong-Un regime has perceived and often emphasized
the current international order as a new Cold War era. Kim,
who has expressed growing concerns about a new Cold War
since 2008, officially mentioned a “new Cold War” during the
Supreme People’s Assembly held in Pyongyang in September
2021. Kim stated in his speech that the “international relations
framework is shifting toward a new Cold War structure.”
Additionally, during the Workers’ Party Plenary Meeting in
December 2022, he indicated that the international order had
“clearly transitioned into a new Cold War system.”
Moreover, shortly after the Kim-Putin summit in September
2023, Kim pointed out in a speech during the 9th Session of
the 14 Supreme People’s Assembly held between September
26-27, 2023, that the “structure of the “new Cold War” is being
materialized on a global scale and the existence of sovereign
states and the right to existence of their people are seriously
threatened by the reactionary imperialist forces,” emphasizing
the necessity of nuclear armament.
At the same time, Pyongyang has shown its intention to
strengthen cooperation with China and Russia by inviting
delegations from both countries to commemorate the 70th
anniversary of the armistice (known as the 70th Anniversary
Chapter Ten : The Stability and Sustainability of South Korea-U.S.-Japan cooperation 177