P. 94

Charles Faddis
                                                                                        Former CIA operations officer
                                                                                        찰스 패디스, 전 중앙정보국(CIA) 작전담당관

    February 2021

                   Dan Schneider
                   Executive Director of ACU
                   댄 슈나이더, ACU 사무총장

         Moon, Soo-jung
         Deputy Executive Director of Lawyers for
         Human Rights and Unification of Korea
         문수정, "한반도 인권과 통일을 위한 변호사 모임" 사무차장
                                                   KCPAC invited Congresswoman Kat Cammack along with North
                                                   Korean human rights activists Park Sang-hak and Park Jung-oh to
                                                   hold a discussion to expose human rights violations and
                                                   religious persecution by the Moon Jae-in administration and to
                                                   ensure “freedom of expression” and “religious freedom” on the
                                                   Korean Peninsula.

                                                   Congressman Doug Lamborn, Asian security expert Gordon
                                                   Chang, former U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Robert Spalding,
                                                   and former North Korean Workers Party o cial Ri Jong-ho
                                                   discussed political and military threats to the Korean Peninsula.

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