Page 14 - KAFSP Vision Camp - Guide
P. 14
[10] New Horizon for the next generation
5. A unique journey for young leaders
젊은 리더들의 특별한 여정
“New Horizon, Vision Camp 2024” - This special event brings together young people from
Korea and the United States to understand each other's history and culture and create a
shared vision for the future.
“New Horizon, Vision Camp 2024” – 이 특별한 행사를 통해 한국과 미국의 젊은 세대들이 만나 서로의 역사와 문화를
이해하고, 미래를 위한 공동의 비전을 만들어 나가는 소중한 경험을 만들어요.
(1) Bridging Futures: A Symposium of Global Youth Perspectives
미래를 잇는 다리: 글로벌 청소년의 시각 심포지엄
Hosting this event allows American high school students visiting Korea to deeply understand
and appreciate the importance of the US-Korea alliance. It offers a unique opportunity to
learn about Korea’s rich history and vibrant culture through direct engagement and insightful
presentations. By interacting with Korean students and hearing from international experts,
they gain a broader perspective on global issues and the role of international cooperation.
This experience not only fosters mutual respect and friendship but also inspires these young
leaders to contribute to a future of peace and collaboration.
이 행사를 개최함으로써 한국을 방문한 미국 고등학생들은 한미 동맹의 중요성을 깊이 이해하고 감사하게 될 것입니다.
직접적인 교류와 통찰력 있는 발표를 통해 한국의 풍부한 역사와 활기찬 문화를 배울 수 있는 독특한 기회를 제공합니다. 한국
학생들과의 상호작용과 국제 전문가들의 강연을 들으면서 글로벌 이슈와 국제 협력의 역할에 대한 폭넓은 시각을 얻게 됩니다.
이 경험은 상호 존중과 우정을 증진시킬 뿐만 아니라, 평화와 협력의 미래에 기여할 수 있는 젊은 리더로 성장하도록 영감을 줄
Topic Presentation - 발표회
l Where: Korea Press Center
l When: Wednesday, June 29, 2024
from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
l What: Speech presentation and talk discussion by/with
Vision Camp students from HI; South Korean high school
students; and Young KAFSP foreign exchange college
students. Total number of attendees is expected to be
around 40 to 45 people for the Press Center event.
l Moderator(s): Press Center event - Henry Song
(English); Ashley Park (Korean)
l Speech presentation and talk discussion - Dr. Roland
B. Wilson, Professor, School for Analysis of Conflict and
Resolution, George Mason University, Peace and
Conflict Studies Center Asia (PACSC Asia) Director
l Special speech, Role of the UN - Ms. Sasha Seo,
Director Public Health and Education Consulting Division
for Refugees, United Nations High Commission for
l Special speech - The Honorable Dusuk Choe, former
Consulate General of the Consulate of the Republic of Korea, Shenyang, China;
Professor, Ajou University; National Intelligence Service