Page 12 - Village Trader March 2020
P. 12
Hardly a week goes by at Margaret Rose Funerals without someone
quoting one of the many myths that surround funerals in the UK. Here
are just a few that we hear on a regular basis, and the truth behind the
This package includes: Our professional services and
making of all funeral arrangements; Simple coffin “Of course, they re-use the coffins at the Crematorium”
(suitable for cremation); Company Mercedes to
We understand that we are transport the coffin from our premises direct to the Perhaps the most common myth, but completely untrue.
all different, and every crematorium on the day of the funeral: Attendance of
Funeral Director and pall bearers at the crematorium:
family has differing ideas Service at Kettering Crematorium at a time & date set “If you want to visit the Chapel of Rest then the deceased has to
and feelings about the kind by Margaret Rose Funerals. Chapel of Rest during be embalmed”
of service that will be working hours only; Doctor’s fees for cremation Not true - any requirement prior to viewing is simply the policy of that
paperwork; £150 towards Minister or Celebrant’s fees
appropriate for them. We particular funeral home, not anything that can be attributed to Health &
believe in giving each SIMPLE CREMATION - £3,195.00 Safety or any other legislation.
This package includes: Our professional services and
family the time to think making of all funeral arrangements; Up to 75 Orders
things through, so that all of Service; Simple coffin (suitable for cremation); ‘‘You have to have a hearse for the funeral”
Chapel of Rest; A traditional hearse to transport the
is just right. There is no coffin from our premises direct to the crematorium on There is no legal requirement to use a hearse to transport the deceased.
rush, you decide what you the day of the funeral; Attendance of the Funeral Perhaps you would like a motorcycle or campervan hearse, or maybe you’d
want, and in your own Director and pall bearers at the crematorium; Service like to use your own vehicle. As long as the vehicle is big enough to carry
at Kettering Crematorium; Doctor’s fees for cremation
the coffin, you can use any transport you wish.
time. paperwork; £180 towards Minister or Celebrant’s fees
NOTE: The Simple funeral DOES NOT INCLUDE
So, for pre-paid funeral limousines or departure from a home address “You have to have the service in a Church or Chapel”
plans or at your time of TRADITIONAL CREMATION - £3,895 Unless restricted by personal religious views, you may hold the funeral
need, please feel free to Our ‘Traditional’ funeral package includes: Our service in any place you would like (as long as you have the property owners
call us at any time for a no professional services and making of all funeral permission!).
arrangements as listed in our Professional Fees; Up
obligation chat. to 150 Orders of Service; Simple coffin (suitable for
cremation); Chapel of Rest; Traditional hearse & one So, now you know the truth behind these myths - but there are many
limousine (inc cortege leaving from home, or other more out there, perhaps you’ve heard a few yourself!
address); Attendance of the Funeral Director and pall
bearers; Service at Kettering Crematorium; Doctor’s
fees for cremation paperwork; Minister’s fees Full details of our funeral services and pre-paid funeral
DIRECT CREMATION - £1,950.00 plans are available in our information pack.
Our Direct Cremation has been designed to cater for
those who do not wish to have any funeral service at For your free copy, call us on:
all. The cremation will take place at Nene Valley
Crematorium (with no mourners in attendance) at a 01536 203045
time & date convenient to Margaret Rose Funerals.
43a High Street
Corby Old Village Pre-Paid funeral plans are available for all the above email:
NN17 1UU funeral packages, admin fees of £220 is applicable