Page 7 - Village Trader March 2020
P. 7

Amazing shows this

 Spring at The Core

 To see the full range of great shows now on sale,
 pop in and pick up a brochure or visit our
 website at

 Jimmy Buckley                                         01536 203766
 The Pictures  In Concert With Special Guest      e:
 Calamity Jane  100% Simon Brodkin  Claudia Buckley
 Tue 24 March 11am  Fri 27 March 8pm  Sat 28 March 7.30pm  faylivsey@aolcom
                                                  The Laker, 11 Cricketers Green,
                                               Weldon, Northamptonshire, NN17 3LP

            Does it Worry You that…?

 Sam Avery:   The Supersonic   Your Loved Ones May Only Inherit PART of Everything
 Foster & Allen  Toddlergeddon!  ʼ70s Show
 Sun 29 March 7.30pm  Thu 2 April 8pm  Fri 3 April 7.30pm  You have Worked for all Your Life
            The Impact of Care Fees, Tax, Legal Fees etc. could

           Substantially Reduce Your Loved Ones Final Inheritance

          With the “Right” Protective Will AND good Lifetime Planning, you can
               help ensure as Much as Possible Goes to Your Loved Ones

                    Make your Will now from £89**standard basic Will
 Spontaneous Potter
 Crimes, Camera, Action  Jack Barry: Alien  Sat 11 April 2pm (Kidz) &   PLUS we will show you how you can plan to  Call us for more information or
 Wed 8 & Thu 9 April 7.30pm  Fri 10 April 8pm  7.30pm (Adults)  Secure YOUR family’s future inheritance  to arrange a FREE Home Visit

 Tickets 01536 470 470                       Call Jon Purdie 07976 695 087
 @thecorecorby   The Core at Corby Cube  @thecorecorby

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