Page 4 - Rushden and Higham Trader August 2019
P. 4


          Anglian Water                                   08457 145 145
          British Gas                                     0800 048 0202
          Crimestoppers                                   0800 555 111
          Western Power                                   0800 6783 105
          East Northamptonshire Council                   01832 742000
          Rushden Town Council                            01933 316216
          Higham Ferrers Town Council                     01933 312075
          Wellingborough Isebrook Hospital                01933 235800
                                       RSPCA Northamptonshire Branch
                                                          01536 492000
          Kettering General Hospital           RSPCA Northamptonshire Branch
          NHS Direct                   Mill Cottage, Creaton Road,
          Police (non emergency)               Mill Cottage, Creaton Road,
          Rushden/Higham Ferrers Library                  0300 126 1000
                                       Brixworth, Northampton, NN6 9BW
          Splash Leisure Pool                  Brixworth, Northampton, NN6 9BW
                                                          01933 410505
                                                          01933 350324
          Pemberton Centre             Tel: 01604 881317
                                                          01832 734090
          Nene Centre                          Tel: 01604 881317
          Rushden Mind                                    01933 312800
          National Association for the Blind              01604 719193
                                        RSPCA Northamptonshire Branch
                                                RSPCA Northamptonshire Branch
      Are you, a loved one, or a friend
                                                     Charity number 205377 377
      experiencing sight loss?                 Charity number 205
      Get in touch to find out how we can help
      and the services we offer:
                                                   Mill Cottage, Creaton Road,
      01604 719 193  •      Mill Cottage, Creaton Road,
                                                  Brixworth, Northampton, NN6
      loss alone and unsupported. We have helped thousands of adults Brixworth, Northampton, NN6
      We believe that no one in Northampton should face sight loss
      We believe that no one in Northamptonshire should face sight
      alone and unsupported. We have helped thousands of adults
      and children transform their lives and overcome the emotional
      and children transform their lives and overcome the emotional
      and practical challenges of sight loss.
      and practical challenges of sight loss.                 9BW
                          We can visit you
           Ask us about our   in your own home –
                                                       Tel: 01604 881317
         iKids Children and Families   phone us to book
        service which helps younger   an appointment .  Tel: 01604 881317
          people with sight loss.
      If you need our help please get in touch and follow us on
      social media:

       Northamptonshire Association for the Blind, registered charity No. 201240

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