Page 16 - Waterjet Holdings- OE Guide 2015
P. 16
Life and AD&D Insurance
Basic Life and Accident Insurance
Waterjet Holdings provides, at no cost to you, basic life with accidental death
and dismemberment insurance. This coverage offers inancial protection to
Life and AD&D Insurance you if you suffer certain debilitating injuries or to your beneiciaries if you die.
Life and Accidental Death and Your coverage amount is equal to 1.5 times your covered annual
Dismemberment Insurance earnings up to $1,000,000. Your life insurance beneit also includes accidental
protects employees and
their families from inancial death and dismemberment beneits. You should designate or make updates to
hardship in the event of death your designated beneiciary information during annual enrollment. You can
or dismemberment. It provides receive up to $350,000 of basic life insurance without submitting proof of
the peace of mind you get good health to our insurance partner AIG. This is considered your guarantee
when you know your loved ones issue amount.
will be protected if anything
happens to you. We partner
with AIG to offer you Life and Voluntary Life Insurance
AD&D insurance.
You may also purchase voluntary life insurance at competitive group rates. You
may purchase coverage in increments of $10,000 to a maximum of $750,000.
Evidence of Insurability (EOI) or proof of good health is required under the
following stipulations
z Late entrant: electing coverage for the irst time
z Current participant: requesting an increase to your current
z Newly eligible: requesting over the guaranteed issue amount of $100,000
Voluntary Spouse Life
You can elect voluntary life insurance coverage for your spouse. You can
purchase coverage in increments $5,000. Your spouse’s coverage cannot
exceed $100,000 and you must elect coverage on yourself before you can elect
spousal coverage. You can elect up to $25,000 in guaranteed coverage without
submitting proof of good health to AIG.
Voluntary Dependent Life
Dependent child life coverage is available in a lat payment of $10,000.
Dependents are eligible from birth to age 26, regardless of student or marital
Waterjet Holdings 16
Basic Life and Accident Insurance
Waterjet Holdings provides, at no cost to you, basic life with accidental death
and dismemberment insurance. This coverage offers inancial protection to
Life and AD&D Insurance you if you suffer certain debilitating injuries or to your beneiciaries if you die.
Life and Accidental Death and Your coverage amount is equal to 1.5 times your covered annual
Dismemberment Insurance earnings up to $1,000,000. Your life insurance beneit also includes accidental
protects employees and
their families from inancial death and dismemberment beneits. You should designate or make updates to
hardship in the event of death your designated beneiciary information during annual enrollment. You can
or dismemberment. It provides receive up to $350,000 of basic life insurance without submitting proof of
the peace of mind you get good health to our insurance partner AIG. This is considered your guarantee
when you know your loved ones issue amount.
will be protected if anything
happens to you. We partner
with AIG to offer you Life and Voluntary Life Insurance
AD&D insurance.
You may also purchase voluntary life insurance at competitive group rates. You
may purchase coverage in increments of $10,000 to a maximum of $750,000.
Evidence of Insurability (EOI) or proof of good health is required under the
following stipulations
z Late entrant: electing coverage for the irst time
z Current participant: requesting an increase to your current
z Newly eligible: requesting over the guaranteed issue amount of $100,000
Voluntary Spouse Life
You can elect voluntary life insurance coverage for your spouse. You can
purchase coverage in increments $5,000. Your spouse’s coverage cannot
exceed $100,000 and you must elect coverage on yourself before you can elect
spousal coverage. You can elect up to $25,000 in guaranteed coverage without
submitting proof of good health to AIG.
Voluntary Dependent Life
Dependent child life coverage is available in a lat payment of $10,000.
Dependents are eligible from birth to age 26, regardless of student or marital
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