Page 19 - Waterjet Holdings- OE Guide 2015
P. 19
2015 Benefits Guide

Retirement Plan Transamerica

401(K) Retirement Plan Access Tools and
The Waterjet Holdings 401(k) Plan is one of the best ways to save money z On the web:
for retirement and is one of the few ways you can defer taxes on your
current income. The Plan provides you with an easy way to help turn your
retirement goals into reality. Transamerica will be the new service provider z Over the phone: 800-755-5801
for The Waterjet Companies’ 401(k) Plan. z On your own: Transamerica’s
retirement planning tools
How the Transition to Transamerica Will Work and services, including the

z Your current contribution percentage and balances will automatically OnTrack tool
transfer to Transamerica z Online or by mail: Quarterly

z Assets will be invested in PortfolioXpress service, which will be the statements, newsletters, and
Plan’s qualiied default option; the investment options offered on the documents
Plan are used to create your Portfolio “mix” z One-on-one: Retirement

z Your Portfolio mix will be based on your birthdate and moderate risk education and planning services

z If you prefer to select your own investments, you will have a limited
access period before assets transfer

z During the limited access period you may also change your
PortfolioXpress risk level to Conservative or Aggressive (three levels of
risk are offered)

Plan Provisions Effective January 1, 2015

Eligibility Elective Deferrals: No Age; Immediate
Employer Match: 1 Year service
Note: Prior eligibility requirements are grandfathered
for those hired before 1/1/2015
Plan Entry Immediate: Automatic Enrollment with 45 day opt
out period
Employer Match 50% up to 6%
Vesting 100% Immediate
Loans 2 loans allowed
12 month wait for loans
Loan repayments allowed after termination

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