Page 2 - Waterjet Holdings- OE Guide 2015
P. 2
A Message From Waterjet
Annual Enrollment .........3
Wellness Plan ............7 Holdings
Medical Plan Options ........5
Voluntary Beneits ..........9 It has been a busy year for our company. Our consolidation exempliies an
exciting future for Waterjet Holdings with many opportunities ahead of us.
Dental Coverage .........13
Naturally, our new partnership also brings some changes to our beneits
Vision Coverage ..........14 program. It’s never been more important for you to take considerable time
Life and AD&D Insurance ...16 in educating yourself about your beneit offerings. We encourage you to read
this guide and share this information with your family as you determine which
Disability Coverage ........17
programs best meet your needs.
Employee Assistance Program 18
Waterjet Holdings offers a competitive beneits package for a variety of reasons.
Retirement Plan ..........19
We know you rely on our company to provide a comprehensive beneits
program covering a wide range of inancial, physical, and emotional needs. We
also believe a broad and attractive beneits program demonstrates the respect
and esteem we have for you. We want to encourage you to take care of yourself
and your family members.
Provider Contact
Info That’s why we offer beneits like medical, dental, and vision insurance to meet a
Medical—Premera variety of individual needs. We offer life and disability insurance coverage to help our employees prepare for the unknown and protect their families from inancial
800-722-1471 risk. We also offer retirement options, vacation, and paid holidays because we
understand the importance of rest, relaxation, and your work-life balance. We
Dental—Delta Dental hope you ind this beneits guide useful as you weigh your options as a family.
Phone numbers vary by state, Benefit Eligibility
please use online resources
for more details Eligible Employees
Vision—EyeMed You may enroll in the Beneits Program if you are a regular full-time employee who is actively working a minimum of 30 hours per week.
Life and Disability— Dependent Eligibility
AIG As you become eligible for beneits, so do your eligible dependents. In general, eligible dependents include your same or opposite sex spouse, common law
800-346-7692 spouse, and children up to age 26. If your child is mentally or physically disabled,
coverage may continue beyond age 26 once proof of the ongoing disability
is provided. Children may include natural, adopted, step-children, or children
obtained through court-appointed legal guardianship.
Waterjet Holdings 2
Annual Enrollment .........3
Wellness Plan ............7 Holdings
Medical Plan Options ........5
Voluntary Beneits ..........9 It has been a busy year for our company. Our consolidation exempliies an
exciting future for Waterjet Holdings with many opportunities ahead of us.
Dental Coverage .........13
Naturally, our new partnership also brings some changes to our beneits
Vision Coverage ..........14 program. It’s never been more important for you to take considerable time
Life and AD&D Insurance ...16 in educating yourself about your beneit offerings. We encourage you to read
this guide and share this information with your family as you determine which
Disability Coverage ........17
programs best meet your needs.
Employee Assistance Program 18
Waterjet Holdings offers a competitive beneits package for a variety of reasons.
Retirement Plan ..........19
We know you rely on our company to provide a comprehensive beneits
program covering a wide range of inancial, physical, and emotional needs. We
also believe a broad and attractive beneits program demonstrates the respect
and esteem we have for you. We want to encourage you to take care of yourself
and your family members.
Provider Contact
Info That’s why we offer beneits like medical, dental, and vision insurance to meet a
Medical—Premera variety of individual needs. We offer life and disability insurance coverage to help our employees prepare for the unknown and protect their families from inancial
800-722-1471 risk. We also offer retirement options, vacation, and paid holidays because we
understand the importance of rest, relaxation, and your work-life balance. We
Dental—Delta Dental hope you ind this beneits guide useful as you weigh your options as a family.
Phone numbers vary by state, Benefit Eligibility
please use online resources
for more details Eligible Employees
Vision—EyeMed You may enroll in the Beneits Program if you are a regular full-time employee who is actively working a minimum of 30 hours per week.
Life and Disability— Dependent Eligibility
AIG As you become eligible for beneits, so do your eligible dependents. In general, eligible dependents include your same or opposite sex spouse, common law
800-346-7692 spouse, and children up to age 26. If your child is mentally or physically disabled,
coverage may continue beyond age 26 once proof of the ongoing disability
is provided. Children may include natural, adopted, step-children, or children
obtained through court-appointed legal guardianship.
Waterjet Holdings 2