Page 10 - TVS 2021 Benefits Guide
P. 10
Wellness and TVS SCS NA’s Contribution (Seed) to HSAs

TVS SCS NA will continue to seed employee HSAs based on the below wellness related activities.

TVS Seed to HSA (not related to wellness participation) When Single Family

2021 One-Time HSA Seed 01/01–12/31/2021 $250 $400
2021 Weekly Seed 01/01–12/31/2021 $5 .77 weekly $11 .54 weekly
($300 annually) ($600 annually)
Wellness Incentives How
Get a Personalized Biometric Complete a biometric 01/01–12/31/2021 $300 $300 up to
Health Screening and Complete screening and then visit 2; employee
the Cigna Health Assessment; mycigna .com to access and and spouse
Share the Results with complete the Health Assessment
Your Doctor
Complete an Online Coaching Explore online coaching journey on 01/01–12/31/2021 $100 (complete $100 (complete
Journey (includes Tobacco mycigna .com up to 2 coaching up to 3 coaching
Cessation program) journeys) journeys
per family)
Complete My Annual Physical Schedule your appointment today! 01/01–12/31/2021 $50 $50 per individual
(preventive exam)
Get My Annual OB/GYN Exam Schedule your appointment today! 01/01–12/31/2021 $50 $50 per individual
(preventive exam)
Get a Mammogram Schedule your appointment today! 01/01–12/31/2021 $50 $50 per individual
(preventive exam)
Get a Preventive Dental Exam Schedule your appointment today! 01/01–12/31/2021 $50 $50 per individual
Get a Flu Shot Schedule your appointment today! 01/01–12/31/2021 $25 $25 per individual
(preventive exam)
Get a Colon Cancer Screening Schedule your appointment today! 01/01–12/31/2021 $25 $25 per individual
(preventive exam)
2021 Total HSA Maximum Rewards
TVS Annual Seed 01/01–12/31/2021 $550 $1000
Wellness Annual Incentives 01/01–12/31/2021 $550 $800
Total HSA Seed Available 01/01–12/31/2021 $1,100 $1,800
Please note: HSA seeding funds may take up to 60 days to be applied to your account .

Which Medical Plan is Right for You?
With the option to select the HDHP/HSA or PPO, many may wonder which plan is better. The answer will vary
from person to person based on considerations such as the following.

„ Wellness plan participation—the amount of money „ Payroll contributions
TVS SCS NA would contribute to your HSA should „ How you prefer to pay for healthcare expenses
you enroll in the HDHP/HSA „ Budget considerations
„ Expected medical expenses „ Comfort level with an HSA

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